The Last Movie You Watched? ver.2.0

Come rubare la corona d’Inghilterra (1967), directed by Sergio Grieco

After having watched Fünf Klumpen Gold, I was curious about other films directed by Sergio Grieco, thinking maybe Westerns just weren’t his thing. Checking his filmography on made me choose Come rubare la corona d’Inghilterra, literally “How to Steal the Crown of England,” a somewhat blasphemous title. The film’s hero is a stunning superhero, enigmatically named Argoman (don’t ask, he’s not very fast or swift and surely not one of Jason’s seafaring companions, though he does have a predilection for beautiful women on seagoing vessels). The amazing Argoman’s fantastic foe Jenabell (Dominique Boschero) strives for world domination, nothing less. To rule the world as “regina del mondo” is her astonishing aim, antagonized by Argoman (Roger Browne) and his set of stupendous superpowers, among them the uncanny ability to leap from a stationary box lorry in a single bound (as depicted in Figures 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3).

Fig. 1.1: The mighty …

Fig. 1.2: The incredible …

Fig. 1.3: ARGOMAN!

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