The Guess a Movie Screenshot Thread

That’s easy, it’s Vengeance

Bloody hell… Correct you are, amigo.

I’m pretty good at this ;D

next one

God’s Gun?

[quote=“Bad Lieutenant, post:104, topic:907”]God’s Gun?[/quote]No. It’s a tricky pic but everyone has seen this film.

Naked women… Blindman ?

No, maybe I should post one pic more to make it easier.

@ Bill san Antonio.

This Man Can’t Die ?

No, not This man can’t die either
Here’s another pic for hint

Could be The Great Silence

[quote=“stanton, post:110, topic:907”]Could be The Great Silence[/quote]You’re correct, Stanton!


But someone else has to go on …

Well here you go then and a non western for a change:

Could we perhaps get another screenshot, or a hint, Ennioo ?

[quote=“ENNIOO, post:113, topic:907”]Well here you go then and a non western for a change:

Who saw her die?

Looks like Roger Moore as 007 to me


(I don’t know much about Giallos but I know this one has stuffed birds of prey in it…)

[quote=“Reverend Danite, post:117, topic:907”]Spasmo??
(I don’t know much about Giallos but I know this one has stuffed birds of prey in it…)[/quote]

That is correct Rev…well done!!..your turn…


'scuse the tatty piccy but I havn’t got a piccy-host site yet.
It’s a lemon …

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