The Guess a Movie Screenshot Thread

I’ll Sell My Skin Dearly?

Right Mickey, of course it is. Didn’t expect an immediate response! :slightly_smiling_face:

LOL, I haven’t seen the movie, but the hat and the eyes are unmistakable.:rofl:

OK, here we go:

Is this a Polish movie?

Nah it’s Danish. Hopefully somebody has seen it here, it got released by Criterion some time ago.

‘Babette’s Feast’ … I’m afraid your clue gave the game away :rofl:

Yes, it is. Your turn, Aldo.

Yeah, true. Well, I’d rather do that and keep the game rollin’ rather than let the thread peter out.

Ok then … most of you should recognise this gent - Good luck

The critically acclaimed classic Ben Johnson Boards a Train?

Could be, or the sequel ‘Ben Johnson alights from a train’ :wink:

The Town That Dreaded Sundown

Correct ! Your turn, Chuck! :slightly_smiling_face:

Sorry about that, heres another one…

*…e vennero in quattro per uccidere Sartana! (1969) aka ‘Four Came to Kill Sartana’ or ‘They Came to Kill Sartana’


I’m not sure how taxing this will be … depends on one’s knowledge of supporting cast, otherwise a well known SW. Good luck :wink:

Ah, the one with the rumored fandub :wink: Badman Cesar Ojinaga with a star: El Puro!

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Bravo, Carlos … your turn amigo :grin: