The Guess a Movie Screenshot Thread Version 2.0

Thank you, Diamond.

Yeah, I’ve seen ‘The Hard Way’ several times on DVD over the past few years. It features great performances from the two iconic actors, and was beautifully filmed in Ireland. It’s well worth watching…

You can buy it from Amazon UK…

Okay, let’s try another film…


Two more pics…

Chuka… easy guess after the first two!

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Correct answer. Well done, Man with a name.

Over to you now…

Thanks! It’s an easy one for me since it’s a childhood western. Not exactly the best with hindsight but an unusual cavalry film because it’s one of the few that allows the Indians to win (and no Custer in sight!)

Try this:

I ran a few kilometers on the dirt road replacing the abandoned Alquife-La Calahorra line some years ago, but which of the several dozens SWs this screenshot is from is not easy to guess…

Anyway I suggest Red Sun since I have vague memory of not the usual sunny Spanish sky in that SW. (I have another guess with the same motivation, maybe for later use :slight_smile: )

It’s definitely a spaghetti western.

Buddy Goes West?

Well done! Over to you @Hired_Peon

Thank you, Man. :slight_smile:

How about this one?

‘Night of the Eagle’ aka ‘Burn Witch Burn’ ?


Bullseye! Well done!

And over to you, aldo. :slight_smile:

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Thank you, Peon,

Is that Gregory Peck?

It is, yes.

Pork Chop Hill (Milestone/1959) ?

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Correct … back to you, Phil


Anyone out there ?


Sorry. I’ve been offline for the past few days. Will post something shortly

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No worries
