The Guess a Movie Screenshot Thread Version 2.0

Ok, thanks and a new one.

Night Passage (1957)

Well done. :+1:

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This film has an impressive international cast and one player who appeared in several SWs …


This should simplify things … ?

Jesus H. ! … time out on this one - it was, is ‘The Brain’ (1969)


Day of Anger (1967)

Correct. :+1:

Thank you, Diamond.

… now, bath night for Charlie, which he clearly doesn’t enjoy - but which movie is it?

Valdez Horses AKA Chino

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Correct … your turn.

It could be like anything but because you chose this screenshot that noone can really guess it makes me think it has to be something really well known.

Some early 70’s Bond movie? Live and Let Die maybe.

Absolutely spot on! I’m watching it right now. How on earth did you guess right away?

That’s really it? Haha. Wild guess. As I said above plus the 70’s car and I remember Bond movies are always full of hidden cameras.

The first scene of the movie. The main actor in the picture also made one SW. :wink:

It is not how it looks like. :joy:

Ok, this actor also made some SWs. :grin: I completely forgot he was in it. :open_mouth:

It must be ‘Il Boss’ (1973) ?

That is it. :partying_face: