The Guess a Movie Screenshot Thread Version 2.0

‘Dead Men don’t Count’ ?

A pistol for hundred coffins maybe?


Correct, @Diamond
Released shortly after ‘Go For Broke’ - the other Umberto Lenzi spaghetti western.
Over to you.

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Thanks. New one from a well known SW director with some classic SW actors. Bonus point for recognizing the hidden actor. :wink:

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The unmistakable, Mark Damon in ‘The Son of Cleopatra’ (1964) bonus point for me I think !


Ofc, gj, that is correct, You get a bonus point and a flag of El Kebir.:+1:

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Many thanks, Diamond … I will treasure it :wink:

Now … a movie that I don’t know, which popped up while looking for some other item, it stars old 'Skeletor face, Richard Widmark in an espionage flick.

The ‘Red Hot’ Austrian Babe should make this a giveaway … ???

The Secret Ways?

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I was just about to add a few more pics of Senta Berger … just for the hell of it :wink:

Yes, Montero, that is correct - you’re up next.


Thank you, @aldo
A horror/thriller from the '80s…

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White of the Eye (1987)

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That’s the one; from the writer/director of ‘Performance’ Donald Cammell. It went more or less straight to video and was originally tagged with an X, before Marlon Brando wrote an appeal to the MPAA on his friend’s behalf.
Back to you, @aldo

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Thank you, Montero

Euro production with famous English actor

An actress known for her part in the cinema ‘Nouvelle vague’

No takers?

Ok then … here’s the big English star of this German movie from the late 1960s and his pretty French co-star


Oh, I think that si the actor from “The Omen”. :thinking:

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Come on then … a little more detective work and you’re there!


Ok, I will spare you the suffering. :smiley:

It must be “Michael Kohlhaas”.

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Thank you :wink:

Yes, ‘Michael Kohlhass der rebell’, and in English, ‘Man on Horseback’ (1969)

Over to you, Diamond.