Finally it took them a while to release a nice complete Sartana box. Haven’t seen this films in a while, and after watching them all back to back I have to say that I really enjoy the first 4 a lot (also the one with Hilton… arguably the worst of the 4, but still a pretty great spaghetti western… and Charles Southwood is rad as Sabbath). I thought the last two Sartana’s where the ones that people liked the best, no? I have to go against the grain here, but I really enjoyed the first one the best.
For me it had the best antagonists (Morgan with his bell boots and Lasky as double crossing and over the topped played by william berger, it’s darker, it’s my favorite incarnation of Sartana (grey waistcoat, 5 o’ clock shadow, youngest Garko. But even with the noticeable smaller budget (the out of town scenery was shot shit location), it has one of the best film craft imo next to the 4th one. There’s cool transitions (the mexican general punching into air which turns into a POV shot of his fist punching Sartana, from his imagination to reality, the giallo-lightning end fight). I really think our kid, Frank Kramer done a terrific job and glad everything was planned ahead with the cast before he put one of his circus mojo jojo’s into it (which is what i hate from the Sabata movies) and make it look like some slapstick trash (yes, im both praising and downtalking the director).
The second is the same vain, might have the dankest roster of Sartana villains (Hot Dead, Shadow, Deguejo), the opening with the bankrobbery feels like a Shaw Brothers movie because of the silly but rad uniforms of the bankguards (especially one from the venom crew, something like flag of iron with the gang fight at the start of the movie). But film craft wise, i’d have to say the worst. Location got a tad bit better, but for me shot and edited in the most boring way of the series. Still I count it as my top 3 Sartana’s because of the characters, tone and good ol’ Sartana style double crossings.
Third one, I feel is the weakest in the box. Do love the characters though Manta’s gang, Fossit brothers, Sabbath… but even so not Sartana 1-2 level of rad (except Sabbath). I dunno if it’s the print, but I doesn’t inspire me film craft wise, drab colors, locations meh. I feel it’s the weakest of the Sartana’s. And I while George Hilton looks like a perfect Sartana fit with his 5 o’ clock stubble, he plays him to much like a Don Juan, a tad bit to smooth. Garko he ain’t.
The fourth is the best, film craft wise, great cinematography, the right zooms, POV shots, gambling house colors. But just the most boring character wise. The Piggot Outlaws had a chance to establish some rad lookin’ mean mandems. But not enough characterization was given. The story is up there though imo indeed one of the better backstabbin’ storylines of Sartana.
Last one is just too bonkers for me. Too silly, silly gadgets, boring enemies, Only our kid ‘Grand Full’ is kinda badman. Even Sartana looks to goofy for my taste. Everything else is middle of the road for me. Kinda competes with the George Hilton one as the worst Sartana for me.
So what’s the general consensus on the best/favorite Sartana’s over here?