It’s been sort of a tradition at the SWDb (with some interruptions), and also at our sister sites, to publish a few honest shopping recommendation at the end of the year. These usually serve three purposes. First, they shall help guide either newcomers or those who haven’t kept track of what came out that year to some good ideas for making a fan happy for the holidays. Second, readers who use our Amazon links greatly contribute to the continued existence of this website, because the SWDb will earn a referral fee. Third, it helps the list’s creators to themselves review the year and gain an understand of what’s been achieved in the world of the spaghetti western.
So without further ado, here’s the 2018 Holiday Shopping Guide, which was compiled collaboratively, by members of the SWDb community who recommended these products.
1. The Complete Sartana Collection
First on everyone’s list but those who already have it, should be this amazing box from Arrow Video, which includes all Sartana films in amazing quality, with a bunch of great extras. We were wowed, as you can read in the SWDb’s review. And so will you!
Fancy a black Christmas? Well, a Nero one anyway?
Releasing just in time for Christmas this one is a perfect stocking filler as it gets its first stand alone UK release on DVD or BluRay (in the US released as a double with Django, click here find out more). Even if you’ve got some old Blue Underground region 1 DVD, it’s worth supporting Arrow in their ongoing work of putting more and more spaghettis out on the right side of the pond.
The second Blu-Ray release from Wild East productions, Requiem for Gringo, is one of the finest Italian westerns ever made. The print, sound and packaging on this release are outstanding. One of the best Italian western releases of this year or any year for that matter. Pick it up now, before it sells out and you’re left surfing Ebay for a copy, that goes for ten times the original price (there’s also a German disc if you’re based in Europe)!
4. Blei ist sein Lohn / Hands of a Gunfighter, Koch Media, DVD, Blu-ray
I found Rafael Romero Marchent’s Ocaso de un pistolero (1965) intriguing; maybe mainly for its omissions, its elliptical narrative style that requires the viewers’ active participation in constructing the story. The film also oscillates between a traditional, “realistic” approach, of course derived from 1950s American Westerns, and oneiric, surreal sequences of pastoral tenderness and sudden violence. The resulting ambiguity allows for sundry interpretations and divergent assessments of the film’s qualities, ranging from utter nonsense to unintentional masterpiece. In other words, Ocaso de un pistolero is an interesting early Eurowestern that’s worth checking out. Koch Media released it under its German title, Blei ist sein Lohn, on DVD and Blu-ray three months ago. The video quality on the DVD is top-notch, and I guess the BD is even better.
Simply put, one of the greatest Spaghetti Westerns ever filmed. Sergio Corbucci is one of my/our favorite auteurs of the genre and this is him at his very best. It also is a distinct story set in a bleak, frigid snowy mountain atmosphere rather than the standard sunbaked Southwest. I think this gorgeous 2K restoration is a must own and perfect gift for Western film aficionados.
It’s been out a while but for someone who hasn’t upgraded their Koch DVDs this is a must for Blu-ray collectors. Included are the original A Pistol for Ringo and the follow-up, The Return of Ringo with a boatload of extras.
7. Clint Eastwood: Icon: The Essential Film Art Collection
The 3rd edition of this book was released this year. Hardback, 240 pages, 23.5 x 32.4cm.
This book is perfect for Clint Eastwood fans and fans of movie art. It provides a visual retrospective of Clint’s movie career with film art from the lifetime collection of David Frangioni.
8. Long Days of Vengeance/Erik The Viking - Wild East Productions
Not a perfect release (I still find the logo that appears in the corner in a couple of scenes a bit weird) but it’s still a really good print of a really underrated spaghetti western that until now was quite difficult to get hold of. Not one spaghetti western fans, particularly Gemma fans, should miss.