Talk Whatever

Is that the Sun Ray Hotel? Wow, it has really changed.

I was there in 2009, and it was a burger restaurant back then (Johnny Rockets). And you were able to go up the stairs without the police being called haha.

Everything’s a CVS these days :slight_smile:

For anyone interested in remembering the old BBC2 horror double-bills of the late 70’s/80’s, you may find these Youtube docs interesting…I certainly did, and they brought back lots of memories… :wink:


I’m taking back my ‘Like’, after watching this tedious blether … he’s got a great face for radio but might want to work on his diction, plus figure what to say before recording.

The accent isn’t a problem for me, but I’ll bet there are a lot of non UK folks scratching their heads … Amateurs!


:laughing: You cad! You bounder!



Watched the horror double bills during the summer in the 70’s, then often went outside for a midnight feast in a strawberry field. Was scared of any noise that I heard in the dark🤠


That’s why I only quickly flicked through each part, rather than watching them all the way through. :grin:
I merely wanted to make a mental note of which films were show during each season…inspiration, as it were. :wink:

It has given me a few ideas on what to watch and include during my own Horror Double/Triple Bills on a Saturday evening…

Whatever, the guy presenting it does have great knowledge of what was shown at the time, that most of us will have forgotten.
Hats off to him for reminding us of how great it was to be a youngster on a Saturday night.

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Anyway, slept most of Sunday, because I was exhausted. My CFS (Chronic Fatigue) was bad…unusually extreme.

I felt like I’d completely wasted the day…

So peed off, because I had a great day on Saturday, and had some energy enough to watch my Sat Night Horror triple bill.

Today (Monday), absolute magic. I received an invite to a friend’s house to do some cooking (I have the home-made buns to show for it!); visited a garden centre, and then back to my friend’s house for home-made pizza, conversation, and then a brisk walk along a beautiful beach.

This may not sound like much…and it may be ‘nothing’ when compared to a ‘normal’ life of always being on the go; but, to me, it was a day of special achievement.

All I’m trying to say, is that - for some people - the most unexpected, out of the blue invitations and experiences make their day.

Maybe it’s an indication of insular some people can become…

Whatever, today’s been a good day, and one that most would shrug off as 'What’s the big deal?

The ‘big deal’, sadly, is that there are some out there who can’t take each day for granted.

Am I moaning or complaining…absolutely not! I spent time with my best friend…

Make the most of each and every day, amigos… :cowboy_hat_face:

SWDB is not a problem page, so will remove my thoughts if need be.


Well stated, my friend and I am glad that you had such a wonderful day!


Regarding the ‘Old Days’…

As a matter of interest, did anyone used to do what I did in the late 70’s when a SW was on TV - did you have a tape recorder placed next to the TV to record the film dialogue?

I remember doing this in 1979, when they broadcast ‘A Fistful of Dollars’ and ‘For a Few Dollars More’ on BBC2 TV.
I also audio recorded ‘Sabata’

At the time, it was the best that fans of SW could do.

There were DVD’s, or even films to buy on VHS/Betamax tape then, so we had to solely rely on whatever we could get…and audio recordings were the answer…at least for me.

Did any one else do the same kind of thing?


Yes I did … and everyone watching had to be quiet because I didn’t have a line from the TV to the basic cassette recorder, just the built in mic picking up the audio from the speaker - Very primitive, but I listened to the dialogue and music over and over :wink:


Exactly the same for me, Aldo.
My family were ‘instructed’ to be quiet.
On one of the cassettes tapes, either ‘A Fistful’, or ‘For a Few’, my Dad is heard coughing, because he was dying of lung cancer at the time. A few weeks later, he was gone, so the tape had a particular poignant significance for me…

I think that would have put me off watching ‘For a few dollars more’ with those memories, but on the other hand at least he was ‘captured’ on a movie you love. :cry:


Has anyone else been having problems trying to get on to the SWDB site today?
There appears to be a technical problem, or is it just me having difficulty?

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Yep. I tried earlier and it just kept scrolling. I checked my internet and it was fine.

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Pages are taking a bit longer to load, but it’s working for me.

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Cheers, amigos…I’ll see how I get on with it…it seems to be okay for now.

Don’t need to see the movie after watching this trailer for the simple fact that it looks bad and that asswipe (Connor McGregor) is in it.