[quote=“SARTANA DJANGO, post:19, topic:347”]4. TGU or TGBU is an unknown little Sw from 1966 THe GOOD THE BAD & THE UGLY :o
Ah, interesting, never have heard of this one. Is this widely unknown film good, bad or ugly?
[quote=“SARTANA DJANGO, post:19, topic:347”]4. TGU or TGBU is an unknown little Sw from 1966 THe GOOD THE BAD & THE UGLY :o
Ah, interesting, never have heard of this one. Is this widely unknown film good, bad or ugly?
NEIN NO ACHTUNG, Stanton. Don’t go into discussion with SD. He has all the FACTS and you obviously don’t. You only have a foul mouth. Please do NOT upset him; he might leave the forum :o :’( And then what are going to do ???
On topic: I have this film on dvd, but I always turn it off within 15 minutes and still haven’t finished watching it. Hmm, I wonder why…
Yes, that’s something I’m also worried about.
[quote=“Bad Lieutenant, post:22, topic:347”]NEIN NO ACHTUNG, Stanton. Don’t go into discussion with SD. He has all the FACTS and you obviously don’t. You only have a foul mouth. Please do NOT upset him; he might leave the forum :o And then what are going to do ???
I always appreciate good humour Bad Lt there really is NO HARM in that
Nobody has a monopoly on the facts of course , but I certainly have a large slice of it ;D
I have no experience of any Forum leaving
Or any other “Forums”
On topic: I have this film on dvd, but I always turn it off within 15 minutes and still haven't finished watching it. Hmm, I wonder why...
Is it maybe because your REGULAR INJECTION :o is due every 15 minutes ??
But you should know that WE NEVER turn off Superb Westerns/Giallos ONLY Bad drama
Glad to hear it, SD. Not a pretty label to put on anyone as a matter of fact
[quote=“SARTANA DJANGO, post:19, topic:347”]1. As I said it is totally IGNORANT/STUPID/OFFENSIVE to just say “piece of crap” without having shown any knowledge/discussed/analyzed the FILM FACTS !!
NO I Disagree if a poster has shown Ignorance/Stupidity/Nonsense then to point
that out is NOT AN ATTACK against the writer, it is an EDUCATION to IMPROVE !!
To post on a PUBLIC Forum : That is a “load of rubbish or crap” shows gutter type
ignorance, bad manners and descends to the level of a FOOTBALLER or worse ???
It is NOT Funny or acceptable if some “new poster” devoid of facts or knowledge
simply uses bad filthy language to cast SLURS/INSULTS against SWs like Leone’s.
You can argue using examples, analogies, inferences but NOT sewer talk “crap” etc
I may be called “old fashioned” but good common sense, facts & respect are always ON
No comment on this. It speaks for itself.
STANTON Runs Away After Failing To Comment Yet Again :o
The gardener plants an evergreen whilst trampling on a flower.
Here we go again: another rerun of SD show. it’s getting boring…
It does. My fault, maybe.
BORING is Forum People FAILING to spot and act when a “new” wet behind the ears
member comes on the board and uses FOUL ABUSIVE LANGUAGE to SLUR a CLASS FILM
New members on Forums are supposed to watch/learn & be discreet NOT after 4 posts
arrogantly swagger on and say this film is a “load of Crap” HOW can you discuss with
such ignorant/un-informed people ?
BORING Also is People who DO NOT appreciate MY HARD RESEARCH WORK in compiling
[quote=“SARTANA DJANGO, post:31, topic:347”]BORING is BOTH of you FAILING to spot and act when a “new” wet behind the ears
member comes on the board and uses FOUL ABUSIVE LANGUAGE to SLUR a CLASS FILM :’(
New members on Forums are supposed to watch/learn & be discreet NOT after 4 posts
arrogantly swagger on and say this film is a “load of Crap” HOW can you discuss with
such ignorant/un-informed people ?
BORING Also is People who DO NOT appreciate MY HARD RESEARCH WORK in compiling
??? :’([/quote]
I certainly appreciate your hard work in compiling POLLS, but please have the decency to give new members some time to settle down here
Yes, everybody’s here to learn, everybody goes to school to learn, but I remember my first day in school
I had been ill and arrived ten days later than my class-mates and felt very lonely and frightened …
Thank God there was a young teacher who was very nice to me
I think my mother, who brought me to school, would’ve been angry had the man been rude or simply unfriendly, and rightly so
EXACTLY what you need when wet behind the ears is GUIDANCE !
And this is exactly what happened here !
Rude/ignorant postings need to be opposed or else how can we discuss intelligently ???
But SD, I think you are missing the point of all the previous posts who have adressed you. None have found lordradish’ initial post either rude or ignorant it’s your response post that have been targeted as such. Well perhaps not ignorant but certainly rude.
What I mean is, always try to answer a post politely. You may not agree with the poster and that’s perfectly fine but no need to go over the top each time that happens.
For God’s sake it aint that hard, every other forum member handles it just nicely.
What you should say Soren is that people who are already ANTI SD have chosed to
poke their nose in against SD regardless of the FACTS and the initial FOUL/RUDE post ???
I am quite happy with my REPROACH of the "load of crap"clueless/illiterate “post” ???
If we are going to accept this Low Level Gutter Footballer Talk then every time you Soren dislike a film or actor or any posting on any forum then your RESPONSE Soren is:
“that is a load of manure” or “thats a crap actor” NO facts, No evidence Just Dirty Talk ???
HOW can a rational debate then follow once you have such upsetting/ugly nonsense ?
I DO NOT think that is the way Seb or any Forum Owner wants to go.!! Do You ??
If you do not think that a poster sufficiently explains why he means he what he means, you are in your right to ask why that is. But pleeeeeease try not to call the poster both stupid and ignorant when doing so. Neither you nor he is right because whether a movie is great or not will always be in the eye of the beholder, there is no “right” view.
Are you a lawyer by trade, SD You talk a lot about facts and evidence and correctness when discussing the movies as if a view could be rationalized as such but that’s not how it works.
I could say that The Good, The Bad and the Ugly was a bad movie and I could tell you why and all you could say was that you didn’t agree and why but you couldn’t tell me that I was wrong. It would be my opinion and mine alone and how could that be wrong? It could be different to everybody elses but still wouldn’t be wrong, just different. “One man’s garbage” as the saying goes.
I think Seb and all us members who were a part of this part before you arrived SD would wish that we could get a board again where rude posts weren’t a part of the everyday life. You will perhaps be surprised that before your time SD there weren’t any trouble at all, people disagreed but didn’t call eachother names and thats how should be again.
I know this discussion’s been taken before and I hope that it won’t be neccessary to go this way again. Make love not war… (Well not literally ). You get the point.
[quote=“SARTANA DJANGO, post:19, topic:347”]1. As I said it is totally IGNORANT/STUPID/OFFENSIVE to just say “piece of crap” without having shown any knowledge/discussed/analyzed the FILM FACTS !!
NO I Disagree if a poster has shown Ignorance/Stupidity/Nonsense then to point
that out is NOT AN ATTACK against the writer, it is an EDUCATION to IMPROVE !!
To post on a PUBLIC Forum : That is a “load of rubbish or crap” shows gutter type
ignorance, bad manners and descends to the level of a FOOTBALLER or worse ???
It is NOT Funny or acceptable if some “new poster” devoid of facts or knowledge
simply uses bad filthy language to cast SLURS/INSULTS against SWs like Leone’s.
You can argue using examples, analogies, inferences but NOT sewer talk “crap” etc
TGU or TGBU is an unknown little Sw from 1966 THe GOOD THE BAD & THE UGLY :o
There you go as McCloud said !! Learn something every day eh
I may be called “old fashioned” but good common sense, facts & respect are always ON
Soren I appreciate your philosophy and discussion but I believe my QUOTE
above covers all the relevant points.
I have NOT attacked anyone but have on this and other occasions OBJECTED
to FOUL IGNORANT UPSETTING “bad” posts that were without facts/evidence
or sign of a coherent argument.
I am not a qualified lawyer but I have studied LAW and Have all the BOOKS yes
Anyway enough said on this lets get on and VOTE FOR SOME POLLS
since last time nobody liked it when i just got rid of all the out of control arguments (and some decent stuff got lost in the wake of that as well), this time lets try something different:
everyone please instantly stop off-topic banter and arguments, stop hitting at each other and stop spamming these topic threads with garbage (in SD’s case weirdly formatted garbage),
else… I will resort to what is termed “kicking” and “warning” in forum-lingo. I count on everyone’s maturity now, but I am seriously not willing to spend hours reading through all these arguments trying to find out who started it, I will just apply the law of the prairie
Yes I am continuing the offtopic here, but maybe you should ask your deputies what is happening before kicking or warning anybody, one or more of them are bound to be in touch with what is happening in a given thread. Just my two cents.
I will do that of course