SW Bargain Thread

Added the book to the database:
as well as a book on Ricardo Palacios:

Once more not a dvd bargain but a spaghetti western soundtrack ditto:


A LOT of GDM-spaghetti western soundtracks discounted at $9.95 (!!!) Both old and new
 Doesn’t make any sense and a pain to see for those of us that recently paid full price ($25-$30) for those bloody discs
 So grab them at this price while you can it won’t get any cheaper.

CD sales are down though.

Yes normal cd sales but I can’t believe that the spaghetti western soundtrack cd sales are down though. These are for a select crowd and I can’t believe that crowd is buying less now than they use also taking note of the many new releases that are coming out all the time to but I can be wrong.

But it seems odd to me that a soundtrack that cost $25 when it came out two months ago are discounted that heavily so soon
 If I was smart I would pick up the whole lot and sell it off for a fortune in a couple of months but my business sense is seriously lacking :slight_smile:

Sazuma.com has reduced prices of all items in stock for 50%. Nothing spectacular for spaghetti western fans but one can find “Le pistole non discutono” boxset for EUR 27.58. Link:

“Il momento di uccidere” from Global Video for EUR 5.99 in Sazuma store.
There is a glitch. One can not found link Add to Cart on http://www.sazuma.com/item_143865_Moment-to-Kill.html but must browse through the list of discounted items and push the button in it.

Halleluja Italo-Western-Box is currently EUR 21,99

Halleluja boxset is now EUR 19,95.
Does Amazon.de have price drop refund?
Thanks in advance.

[quote=“djvaso, post:28, topic:955”]Halleluja boxset is now EUR 19,95.
Does Amazon.de have price drop refund?
Thanks in advance.[/quote]

I would buy it for that price! :slight_smile: I think there is something like a drop refund but ??? I found the Halleluja Box recently for a price of 19,90 at a Shop in Austria. So I don’t think the price will get any lower.

Shit I had just paid 21,99.
But even with one bad SW in it (alas), this one is absolutely worth the price. Beautiful designed, a 30 page booklet about religion in euro westerns, 2 Carnimeo spagies, aaaand a soundtrack CD with the wonderful Stelvio Cipriani scores for both Halleluja films (a Return of Halleluja DVD is unfortunately not part of the box)

Also very cheap: The Days of Violence for 5,99.
Ok, the film itself lacks the quality to buy a DVD of it. But it’s one of these beautiful Koch Digis, and it was the only one I hadn’t bought.

Still a good price.

I have found a way to claim refund.
In your account review your open or recently dispached orders. Record the number of the particular order. Then go on help page. Click on button “Kontaktieren Sie uns->”. Choose E-mail as way of contact. Fill in space “Bestellnr” with order number, for subject " Ihr Anliegen" choose “Tiefpreis garantie” from drop-down list and write down request for price drop refund.
Amazon.de has different politics for price drop refund than one at Amazon.com. One have to claim this within 14 day after order dispatch and one can not get refund on credit card balance. One can get only credit for next purchase in period of 90 days.

Interesting information

It was also from Amazon.de.

I translated badly this statement:
“Wir bearbeiten Ihren Auftrag innerhalb von 48 Stunden und bestĂ€tigen Ihnen per E-Mail die Gutschrift auf Ihrem Amazon-Konto, wenn die Bedingungen fĂŒr eine Gutschrift erfĂŒllt sind. Dieses Guthaben wird automatisch bei Ihrer nĂ€chsten Bestellung bei uns verrechnet und ist 90 Tage lang gĂŒltig.”

because I have just got this e-mail from amazon.de customer service located in India:

"Dear Customer

Thank you for contacting Amazon.de.

The discounts we offer for items on our website do vary from time to time. I’ve checked your order, and found that we now offer a greater discount on “Halleluja Italo-Western-Box” than at the time you placed your order.

We are able to adjust the price of an order in instances where not more than thirty days have passed between the date on which an order was dispatched and the time that an item is reduced in price on our site.

I have therefore requested a refund of EUR 2.04 to your credit card/bank account. This amount reflects the difference between the price you were charged and the current discounted price.

The refund should appear as a credit on your next bank statement. Completed refunds information can be viewed when you visit “Mein Konto” at the top right-hand side of our website (http://www.amazon.de). Please click on “Offene und kĂŒrzlich versandte Bestellungen” and sign in with your e-mail address and password. Then press on “Bestellung ansehen oder Ă€ndern” next to the relevant order. The refund information will be visible at the bottom of the order’s summary page. You will also receive an automatic e-mail from us (in German) confirming the amount and date of the transaction.

Please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience or concern this price change may have caused.

Thank you for shopping at Amazon.de.

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Jitendra Choudhary

Customer Service

[quote=“djvaso, post:32, topic:955”]I have found a way to claim refund.
In your account review your open or recently dispached orders. Record the number of the particular order. Then go on help page. Click on button “Kontaktieren Sie uns->”. Choose E-mail as way of contact. Fill in space “Bestellnr” with order number, for subject " Ihr Anliegen" choose “Tiefpreis garantie” from drop-down list and write down request for price drop refund.
Amazon.de has different politics for price drop refund than one at Amazon.com. One have to claim this within 14 day after order dispatch and one can not get refund on credit card balance. One can get only credit for next purchase in period of 90 days.[/quote]

Thanks for the Info. And it works too Amazon.de just credited me some amounts :slight_smile:

Contains scores for the original Halleluja-movie and Return of Halleluja (movie not included in the box set) which are both Carnimeo movies if that’s what you meant. One might get the impression that scores for four movies were on the cd.

The cd has by the way just been released by GDM as a ‘single’ release costing $30
 You do the math if you think it’s cheap enough. I bought it for a couple of thirty euros some years ago and thought that price cheap then and now.

My mistake, badly phrased, the 2 Carnimeos are of course the films of the box.

I change it.

Ah, I read it wrong of course. Now I see what you meant :slight_smile: Clarification is always good though :slight_smile:

I wished they had another Carnimeo for the box.
A Fistful of Lead or the 2nd Halleluja or maybe even Spirito Santo (in german Ein Halleluja fĂŒr Spirito Santo) or maybe Castellari’s Vado l’ammazzo e torno, which was retitled and redubbed to Glory Glory Halleluja (which 1st and best known german version was another , yes you guess it, Django).

This was a contribution to the popular series "Find a path through the german dubbing and title jungle"
Part 46 in a series of 1287