Stewart Granger


STEWART GRANGER was a handsome, debonair, charming, dashing, romantic CULT STAR
who achieved world stardom in the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s and 1970s with a series of
OUTSTANDING QUALITY popular Box Office smashes : Westerns, Adventures, Thrillers …


MAN IN GREY 1943 James Mason
SCARAMOUCHE 1952 Mel Ferrer
PRISONER OF ZENDA 1952 Deborah Kerr
WILD NORTH 1952 Cyd Charisse
GREEN FIRE 1954 Grace Kelly
MOONFLEET 1955 George Sanders
FOOTSTEPS IN THE FOG 1956 Jean Simmons
LAST HUNT 1956 Robert Taylor
GUN GLORY 1957 Rhonda Fleming
WHOLE TRUTH 1958 Donna Reed
NORTH TO ALASKA 1960 John Wayne
SECRET PARTNER 1961 Haya Harareet
SODOM AND GOMORRAH 1962 Rosanna Podesta
SWORDSMAN OF SIENA 1962 Sylva Koshina
AMONG VULTURES 1964 Elke Sommer
FLAMING FRONTIER 1965 Leticia Roman
KILLERS CARNIVAL 1966 Margaret Lee
RED DRAGON 1967 Rosanna Podesta
TRYGON FACTOR 1967 Susan Hampshire
LAST SAFARI 1967 Gabriella Licudi
ANY SECOND NOW 1969 Lois Nettleton
MEN FROM SHILOH TV Series 1970 James Drury

Numerous other CULT films right up to the 1990s. :smiley:

Are you going to open a topic for every person involved in Eurotrash?

NO I leave the TRASH to you Bad Lt :’( and especially your “reviews” where you do
not even understand what the actors are saying as you dont speak that language :’(


who deserve maximum respect and admiration . Thank you.

PS. Regarding your “eurotrash” remark I can confirm that I wont open any
topics with either Eurotrash / Worldtrash about Robert DeNiro, Scorsese,
Al Pacino, Woody Allen, Michael Caine or similar TRASH subjects.

Ahh another SD classic thread starting from the beautifull title; I guess the nr 1 title was earned in a voting right??
to the topic i vote for his spaghetti westerns, as this is in the overall discussion of spaghetti directors, actors etc. They were great ones, now would you just show me which of those films they are; because i have no idea who he is.

update, i just checked him on wiki and he seems to be in some karl may flicks. even though i dont remember him(he was old surehand??? right? i think i have seen this or just read the book) in any one some were quite good. So i vote for those ones! And he was in egdar wallace ones, i never got into them really.

By the way i conform wiht you on scorsese, never caught what is so special bout his films, besides major boredom and stupid characters.

I like him as Old Surehand, the only western hero who wears buckskin over his sunday trousers.
Which makes him even more sophisticated than Shane.
By the way, I voted for North to Alaska.
In that film he loses his fiancée to John Wayne.

CULT STAR Stewart Granger on the Yugoslavian frontier 8)

Yes The SWs or Euro Westerns starring STEWART GRANGER are:

AMONG VULTURES / Unter Geiern 1964

FLAMING FRONTIER / Old Surehand 1965

They are the 1st 2 listed on the poll.

[quote=“Lindberg, post:6, topic:818”]CULT STAR Stewart Granger on the Yugoslavian frontier 8)


Excellent Silv…I mean Lindberg ;D the Yugoslavian settings for SWs were magnificent :smiley:

Well, despite this being a western forum, i voted for Moonfleet. Guess i’m a sucker for those costume dramas…plus Granger’s character isn’t particularly likeable (something i always like in lead characters). For a second choice i’d probably go for Scaramouche! ;D

Moonfleet 55 , Scaramouche 52 I could have as my STEWART GRANGER Favourites if I
had not already voted for FLAMING FRONTIER /Old Surehand 1965.
I have always loved/admired/enjoyed both STEWART GRANGER & PETER CUSHING as my

FAVOURITE UK stars in all films

The list of great/cult/outstanding Horror, westerns, costume adventures, Thrillers, spy etc for both Stewart Granger and Peter Cushing is ageless/enduring/classic/timeless :smiley:
Both these wonderful actors were giants in the 1940s,1950s, 1960s and I like about
98.5% of their CAREER FILMS. :o

I like his small role in THE WILD GEESE.

[quote=“SARTANA DJANGO, post:3, topic:818”]NO I leave the TRASH to you Bad Lt :’( and especially your “reviews” where you do
not even understand what the actors are saying as you dont speak that language :’(


who deserve maximum respect and admiration . Thank you.

PS. Regarding your “eurotrash” remark I can confirm that I wont open any
topics with either Eurotrash / Worldtrash about Robert DeNiro, Scorsese,
Al Pacino, Woody Allen, Michael Caine or similar TRASH subjects.[/quote]
Hahaha. I thought you didn’t care about definitions? What’s wrong with Eurotrash? All people here love it. By the way, I respect Granger, yet in my opinion he’s not even fit to polish Robert De Niro’s boots. I could come up with a nice little list of De Niro’s career highlights, but what’s the point? Different strokes for different folks. Granger being “British No1 Charmer Debonair Hero” is debatable, to say the least. But then again, I wouldn’t even know what the hell that is supposed to mean. On that note, what is a “QUALITY WORLD BEATING ACTOR”?
Perhaps I gave you the impression that I’m a mongoloid or a retard, but that’s not the case. After watching hundreds of movies in Italian, I do know a little of the language. Enough to fully comprehend Eurotrash movies anyway. Because, let’s be honest, these are not known for their complex and difficult dialogue.

[quote=“SARTANA DJANGO, post:7, topic:818”]Yes The SWs or Euro Westerns starring STEWART GRANGER are:

AMONG VULTURES / Unter Geiern 1964

FLAMING FRONTIER / Old Surehand 1965

They are the 1st 2 listed on the poll.[/quote]

Now you are surprising me, because there is a 3rd Karl May western with Granger in the Surehand role.

Der Ölprinz / Rampage at Apache Wells

The fact I love the most about him is his name which he had to change (to avoid any irritations with the big Mr. James Stewart).
I love the Winnetou movies as a kid, but Granger was almost my number two (number one is the unforgotten Old Shatterhand).

[quote=“stanton, post:13, topic:818”]Now you are surprising me, because there is a 3rd Karl May western with Granger in the Surehand role.

Der Ölprinz / Rampage at Apache Wells[/quote]

Thanks very much Stanton you are quite correct and I have amended it now. :wink:
I am a big fan of Stewart Granger and was telling myself he made 3 Winnetou Films, but
then I hesitated and mentioned only 2 (without double checking). Hence the importance of
always double checking your facts.

[quote=“Bad Lieutenant, post:12, topic:818”]Hahaha. I thought you didn’t care about definitions? What’s wrong with Eurotrash? All people here love it. By the way, I respect Granger, yet in my opinion he’s not even fit to polish Robert De Niro’s boots. I could come up with a nice little list of De Niro’s career highlights, but what’s the point? Different strokes for different folks. Granger being “British No1 Charmer Debonair Hero” is debatable, to say the least. But then again, I wouldn’t even know what the hell that is supposed to mean. On that note, what is a “QUALITY WORLD BEATING ACTOR”?
Perhaps I gave you the impression that I’m a mongoloid or a retard, but that’s not the case. After watching hundreds of movies in Italian, I do know a little of the language. Enough to fully comprehend Eurotrash movies anyway. Because, let’s be honest, these are not known for their complex and difficult dialogue.[/quote]

Ha :o Dear Me Bad LT Ha :’( :o You sure have a way of appearing out of the wilderness
with a clearly acidic/sour/drab comment and then saying “hey whats the matter with it?”

I would have appreciated/expected you maybe to say "My favourite Granger film is "not
regurgitating this utterly bizarre “eurotrash” term which I totally dislike and would instead say it like this :

WORLDTRASH is that meant to describe DeNiro/Pacino/Scorsese/Wooden Allen/Streep ?

That would be much more accurate and appropriate and you can laugh as you suffer the
stiffness emanating from the above :smiley:

STEWART GRANGER is 100 Times the ACTOR and the STAR that DeNiro/Pacino are.
Neither is fit to lick Granger’s muddy boots after a hard days Western shooting :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

I have just looked through DeNiro/Pacino careers on IMDB and there is very little I like.
DE NIRO - Bloody Mama 70 (fair) ,Taxi Driver 76(sleazy drama), Goodfellas 90, Casino95
PACINO - Serpico 73 (fair) , Scarface 83 (Mildly Ok) , Heat 1995 (quite good)

As I explained at length The Godfather films I DO NOT rate as the superior film was made
in 1968 called THE BROTHERHOOD Kirk Douglas Alex Cord.

STEWART GRANGER was a Box Office star of Westerns, Adventures, Spy, Thrillers :smiley:
As you say it is down to OPINIONS and mine are as above based on FACTS and VIEWS :smiley:

“mongoloid or retard” NO I never remotely implied those characteristics about You BadLT
you are very funny indeed :smiley: :o , but my point about the language is a fair one even
though you say Euro dialogues are “predictable” maybe as much as DeNiro/Pacino stiff?
WHERE are the SWs or Euro Westerns starring DeNiro and Pacino ANSWER is ZERO :’(

I loved both books and films, still love the films but cannot read the books anymore.

In the films Old Shatterhand was my favourite, I never found the screen Winnetou convincing.
In the books, on the contrary, I preferred Winnetou.

The books are (nearly all) first-person narratives, with Old Shatterhand, that Saxon gentleman, telling the stories. Old Shatterhand/Karl May always wants to explain things, the stories are sometimes embarrisingly sentimental and there’s too much emphasis on the religious convictions of Karl May/Old shatterhand. In fact, the Old Shatterhand from the novels is a bit of a bore. Winnetou, on the other hand, is a more mysterious, fascinating character: something he has already eliminated a few baddies while his white brother is still educating and instructing the people around him (and us readers) !

In the films Old Shatterhand is no longer the narrator, so he can act instead of talk. Besides that, Lex Barker is an excellent interpretor of the character: tall, handsome, strong - clearly a man to be feared. But the mystery that surrounds Winnetou in the books, has dissolved: we don’t hear about him (so we can create our own image of him), we see him, and with his white, all too clean clothing, his clear smile, his sound teeth and perfect skin he isn’t exactly menacing or fascinating. Moreover I don’t like the conversation he’s been given: Mein Weisser Bruder etc.

That said, both films and books are a part of my life.
My childhood would’ve been different without both men.

[quote=“scherpschutter, post:17, topic:818”]I loved both books and films, still love the films but cannot read the books anymore.

That said, both films and books are a part of my life.
My childhood would’ve been different without both men.[/quote]
You´re damn right! Until today I´ve only read the first book,but the movies were also the movie highlights of my childhood. The time I cut with Pierre Brice was a few years ago (his reaction to Michael Herbigs movie “Der Schuh des Manitou” was too bad,he´s got no sense for humor).



Directed by ; Alfred Vohrer Written By : Eberhard keindorff/Karl May Ger/Yug/Italy

Old Surehand (Granger) and Winnetou (brice) investigate who is really responsible for
brutal murders of a mother and daughter. Indians are framed for the murders, which actually are carried out by bandits called the “vultures”, disguised as Indians. Superb.

My Vote for AMONG VULTURES 1964 is 17.8 out of 20 . :o


Directed by : Harald Philipp Written by : Fred Denger/Karl May Ger/Yugo/Italy

Wonderful, rich adaptation of Karl May’s famous novel follows Old Surehand (Granger)
and his faithful companion Winnetou (Brice) i, as they battle a greedy oil seeking land
grabber who tries to incite the Navajo indians to kill Brice and a wagon of settlers.

My Vote for RAMPAGE AT APACHE WELLS is 17.2 out of 20. :smiley:


Directed by : Alfred Vohrer Written by : Fred Denger/Karl May Ger/Yugo/Italy

Outstanding cast, settings, locations, photography, direction by the great Alfred Vohrer
make this energetic western revenger a classic winner. Old Surehand (Granger) sets
out with Winnetou (Brice) to find and punish his brother’s killer. A work of art. :o

My Vote for FLAMING FRONTIER 1965 is 18.2 out of 20 :smiley:

My philosophy is to ALWAYS enjoy and appreciate THE FILM in preference to the BOOK.

I love the ‘Old Surehand’ films, they were much darker than the near-epic Shatterhand films.

I have the German boxset, with ‘The Oil Price’ sadly lacking English subs/dubs. Still, the other two films look good - my reviews of the [b]Old Surehand films[url][/url][/b].