Spaghetti Western Posters


This one managed to escape my last post, somehow…


[quote=“Chris_Casey, post:100, topic:694”]I am in the process of trying to photograph my collection of posters, fotobustas, locandinas, and so forth. When I brought a lot of things out of storage, I was amazed at just how much of this stuff I have!!

I really need to get a lot of these things mounted and framed (especially the two posters I have for JOHNNY HAMLET that were signed by both Enzo Castellari and Francesco De Masi).

So far, though, I have only photographed the following…


By the way, I have the exact same poster for DJANGO that Rev. Danite has! Great poster! I purchased mine over five years ago from in Italy. It is an original.

I will try to post more of these as I photograph them in the future.[/quote]

Thanks CC, by the way has a lot of very beautiful posters.

I’m looking forward to those for I’m a big fan of the movie in particular and De Masi’s scores in general. Almost being envy :wink: !!!

I will photograph the JOHNNY HAMLET posters soon, Bluntwolf my companero!
It will likely be sometime next week before I am able to post them, though.
These posters are in a special storage unit and it will take some time for me to access them.

In the meantime, here is another photo of one of my favorite posters in my collection.
This French poster is the same size as the DJANGO poster that Rev. Danite and I have.
I also have the Italian version of this same poster…and it too is the giant size like the DJANGO poster. However, my Italian original is not in such good condition and it is very fragile.


WOW Chris, your Collection is galactical !!!

Yes, some extremely nice stuff here fellas. I am very jealous.

No but often better :slight_smile: Like those quite often biblical undertones in the titles. And the fact that the German titles often have nothing to do with the original one I can already recognize from the Danish ditto which didn’t go the biblical way but more the crazy/violent one.

Ben and Charlie → Pas På Vi Slår Hårdt (translation: Watch Out We Deal Out Hard Punches)
Little Rita of the West → Vestens Skøre Gutter (translation: The Crazy Guys Of The West, which doesn’t really make sense seeing the lead is played by a woman (yes, Rita :slight_smile: ) … Don’t think she’s even mentioned on the Danish poster, well that’s the way it goes)
Man of the East → Av min arm (direct translation: My arm hurts, but a Danish saying along the lines of “You don’t say” )

Here some more:

[attachment older than 600 days, deleted by admin]

Nice nice nice… I bloody want some of those German Django-posters :slight_smile:

And to all you guys attaching pictures why not just upload them to or some other free picture host and paste the urls directly in the text?

Well here’s a more regular Danish poster this time from They Call Me Trinity aka Lo chiamavano Trinità

Yes much better to use an image host than attaching pictures, but I think Image Shack is not so user-friendly? is better!

Possibly, but all you have to do is select the image to upload and paste the url delivered… Pretty easy… Photobucket is probably the same (haven’t used it so can’t say) …

Hehe, I haven’t used Image Shack but there’s always ads and crap when people post pictures with Image Shack :smiley:

You don’t use it either I can see!

[quote=“Lindberg, post:112, topic:694”]Hehe, I haven’t used Image Shack but there’s always ads and crap when people post pictures with Image Shack :smiley:

You don’t use it either I can see![/quote]
No got my own site, luckily :slight_smile: Use it for posting screenshots in the infamous “guess a movie” thread though… :slight_smile: And sure there are ads when YOU upload the picture but not for the ones seeing them so shouldn’t be a problem… Photobucket might be better for long-time storage though perhaps? I must say I have not much experience with the different ‘vendors’, just found imageshack worked for me, and a along the lines of “if it aint broken” I haven’t dared look another one up :slight_smile:

It’s just that it does the posters more credit if they are shown in the full glory directly in the post instead of one having to click a link to watch them. So poster posters pull yourself together and use photobucket, imageshack or something entirely different hosting site, just do it :slight_smile:

I use both Photobucket and Imageshack. The images I’ve posted to this thread are via Imageshack. I have never noticed any ads, etc., when I have used Imageshack. But, perhaps it is just me.

Photobucket is easier to use in some ways; but, mostly I use their service because it is more reliable. Imageshack tends to drop out inexplicably for long periods of time.

Hmm…I used to try to do this on the Forum when I first began posting here; but, every time I did that I was told that the files were too large and that I needed to use the thumbnail links, instead. When did all of this change?

Chris, when using the imageshack links you should just take the last url option imageshack gives you paste it in the message, highlight it and press the image button, then you get the poster shown directly without people having to click it to watch it :slight_smile:

There is a relative small max limit (can remember how many kbs) I think on this site which makes uploading most poster pictures directly impossible.

[quote=“Søren, post:116, topic:694”]Chris, when using the imageshack links you should just take the last url option imageshack gives you paste it in the message, highlight it and press the image button, then you get the poster shown directly without people having to click it to watch it :slight_smile:

There is a relative small max limit (can remember how many kbs) I think on this site which makes uploading most poster pictures directly impossible.[/quote]

Thanks, amigo!
I know how to directly load the pictures here. It is just that when I tried to do that previously, it wasn’t allowed. I had to resize the pictures to where they weren’t very good. I guess what I am trying to say is that I would rather not have to resize the photos to be within the limit allowed. I will give it a try next time, though, and see what happens. Maybe things have changed since my earlier attempts.

All the best to you, companero!

Your posters were pretty huge Chris, so they were probably above the size limit :smiley:

Great posters though, post some more if you can!

There are also many other image hosting sites you can try out, here are a few:

Here is the first of two JOHNNY HAMLET posters I have signed by my friend, Enzo G. Castellari, and by the late, great maestro, Francesco De Masi.

Sorry for the bad photography on these (my camera seems to be dying!).
Enzo’s message is in the lower left corner…and De Masi’s is on the right.

I really, really need to get these mounted and framed…as soon as possible!
They have been in storage for over four years and they aren’t taking that too well.

The second autographed JOHNNY HAMLET poster.

Hope these files are not too big!

And again, sorry for the bad photography.

De Masi’s comment is interesting. He wrote beneath Gilbert Roland’s picture: “This face made me write a good piece of music…do you agree?” Then he signed his name between two inexplicable scribble marks.
I have a feeling that Enzo’s son Andrea helped the maestro to write the English messages to me; but, the signature is definitely De Masi’s.