Spaghetti Western Posters

Looks like the Italian locandina !??

Yep, it sure is. One of my favorite posters.

Yep, very nice indeed. The question I asked is that you stated in the post that it was an American poster and just wanted to clarify :slight_smile: I haven’t got the locandina myself but incidentally have two fotobuste from it:

Oh, I didn’t even realize my mistake! Thanks for the correction!

By the way those are some beautiful lobby cards you have! I’ve been trying to get a good look at them on Google Images but the only ones I find are far too small a resolution. It’s nice to see them with a bit of detail!

No problem.

Don’t want to blow my own trumpet but on my site you can see a bunch of fotobuste in semi-high resolution:

Not all of them spaghetti westerns though.

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You’ve made my day. Seriously, thank you! It’s seriously amazing to be able to see the detail in these posters!


If you haven’t noticed you can change what type of movie stuff you want to see in the Type-listbox at the top of the page.

Fantastic collection!

This poster with lead actress Rita Pavone completely ignored is rather curious.

If Terence Hill hadn’t been on the cast of this movie I doubt that it would have been shown in Danish theaters at all, so that probably explains it.

Also the title of the movie has been turned completely masculine in Danish: “The Crazy Guys of the West”

And the only actress on the poster is… Nina Larker :open_mouth:

Hill looks way to thin in that poster !

I thought I might add something a mite bit different to the thread. Renato Casaro, a poster artist that has created a few posters for films like Army of Darkness and Red Sonja, has a website that includes some early sketches, textless variants and concept paintings for a few Spaghetti Western posters that he created. These include Banditos, 1000 Dollari Sul Nero, and Bad Man’s River. There are also a number of other interesting pieces from other well known films. Some of these are availble for purchase. Thought it might be interesting to share.

Check it out below.


Wow. Original sketches. And not that terribly expensive either. Not that I’ll be buying any but shouldn’t be out of bound for some hardcore collector. Thanks for the links.

33 3/4" X 45" Spaghetti Western Art -
Creating a one of a kind poster done with an artistic transfer process involving multiple steps.
Unique and proudly displayed in my home.
If anyone is interested, prints are available.

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The Danish poster for Una bara per lo sceriffo:

This is actually a photo of the original piece of artwork which I just ‘lost’ (didn’t win) in a bidding war :sob:

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I would like to strongly urge everyone to add posters to the SWDb if they aren’t up there already
I actually didn’t purchase this one but I couldn’t pass up sharing it because it’s so nicely made. I attempted to try and find “Matanza” but I yielded no results on the SWDB or google. Also the actors names didn’t help either. Poster art is by Ezio Tarantelli I believe.

It’s a beautiful gem, and it looked to be in near perfect condition. It’s sold now though.
Here are some other images.

If the images are too big I can resize them if need be.

It seems to be this Japanese western:

Very nice poster indeed.

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Well then! That was quick! No wonder the actors names didn’t come up! Honestly I didn’t know Japan made westerns, the only one I’ve ever heard of was Miike’s Sukiyaki Western Django.

Really cool! Thanks for the information!

I have the dvd of this from Japan. Beautiful looking western, and Takakura Ken is a badass in it. Unfortunately, it only has Japanese language and subs, but it is not to difficult to see what going on and why.

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