Shootout vs Duel

Leone was the master of the epic duel. These scenes simply look amazing on the screen. They are perfectly made and match with the music.

Even if someone made somdething like that people would say: just a washed up Leone…

It’s hard to shoot a duel after these duels.

I’ll take a duel no matter who’s directing. Copycatting doesn’t really bother me… all art is imitation, including great art and including Leone… Granted its more extreme in some cases :slight_smile: In “these days” there’s no new ground to cover, even the most expiremental of art is likely to be considered just someone doing something that’s already been done… so I say fuck it, take it and run :slight_smile: Vaya con dios!

One against one is much more powerful so it’s the duel for me.

I think it’s a matter of who’s directing. I don’t care if they copy me either, but some directors just aren’t able to make a powerfull duel.

Duel, much more exciting, especially with Ennio Morricone’s musical score :slight_smile:

A duel, especially if Leone is directing.

Even if I’m not Leones greatest fan I have to agree about that his duels are great.

Duel is superior in every way, shootouts can get real tedious…unless done very well…

But can’t duels as well?

yes they can… I have to find one now.

curious to see what you come up with

How about Fidani duels?

I prefer duels … duels are special to SWs … my favourites are… all Leones, the one at the end of The Mercenary and Dead Men Ride, The Big Gundown.
My favourite shoot out is in Keoma, followed by The Hills Run Red, Johnny Oro, Bandidos.

Whas wrong with 'em?

This is one of the best duel scenes ever IMO

[quote=“autephex, post:54, topic:1535”]Whas wrong with 'em?

This is one of the best duel scenes ever IMO
[url]- YouTube

That is a pretty good scene. But I can’t help but feel Django had an advantage going in with a nine shot revolver :smiley:

From which Fidani film is this scene?

Wolves have great timing in this duel. The duel starts & right on cue…howl. The dust makes this one unfair. That & the fact that dude fires 8 shots

The scene is originally from One Damned Day at Dawn… Django Meets Sartana

I took the youtube clip from Giù le mani… Carogna/The Django Story/ Ballad of Django though, which consists of scenes from several Fidani films

Better than the usual Fidani. The wolf howls are quite funny.

I just ran into those wolves again the other night while watching Fulci’s The Beyond

Unbelievable how many Italian movies made use of this sound effect