Shootout vs Duel

It’s the one available in my film program!

[quote=“autephex, post:60, topic:1535”]I just ran into those wolves again the other night while watching Fulci’s The Beyond

Unbelievable how many Italian movies made use of this sound effect[/quote]

Maybe it’s the Wurdulak coming? :slight_smile:

it all depends but i’d have to go with duels, only because it’s more personal opposed shootouts where henchman are just another dead body.

Sure Fidani’s duels are outright silly, but i wouldnt count them as tedious…I still enjoy them in that perverse, SW fan way…

So did you ever find that tedious duel?

I did: It’s called the Quick and the Dead. :stuck_out_tongue:

I still wouldnt call that tedious, silly but not tedious…