Or you can buy the 2CD release also containing the complete score for A Town Called Hell from Screenarchives for $4.95:
But what do we do when the registration page asks you to fill in an American state?
Choose N/A I think
It worked!
Great It’s bloody cheap for that release. Paid somewhat more when I bought it. Happy listening.
So about the aspect ratio: I checked and the credits and the main film have the same aspect ratio. Could it be that the aspect ratio is defined by the lens more so than the film stock? Who could we ask to reconfirm all this?
Isn’t Mike Siegel (@mike_siegel) an expert on such matters?
The film was shot in Superpanorama 70 (Superpanorama 70 – Wikipedia), one of only 8 films shot in that format. And that means 70 mm film stock with a spherical lens, and that means the aspect ratio is defined only by the film stock, and that means 2,20:1. But for 35 mm anamorphical prints (in which the film was mostly projected, as only few theatres were able to project 70 mm) it was slightly cropped to get the 2,35:1 aspect ratio of that format.
And it seems that the master for the Blu was taken from a 35 mm copy, cause the aspect ratio of the Blu seems to be 2,35:1. That what is claimed on the cover, and that is roughly what Seb has measured.
But that would contradict everything the people involved said, wrote and what is on the cover of the disc… I mean it still looks amazing, but we would be missing a few millimeters of footage
Both sample images are 1500 x 702 when enlarged. And if the AR is approximately 2,15:1 they scanned a 70mm print.
According to that link it was a 70 mm print. In that case the aspect ratio should be the original 2,20:1. Then everybody is happy.
Only that it is still a cut version. If 121 min is the original length, then quite a lot is missing. About one fifth of the film.
Too bad these are not even on the disc:
HQ trailer German:
Restoration comparison
Nice score.
The score is really amazing.
to my knowledge this was filmed around Madrid
Damn, I wonder why they couldnt even fill the 94min version with full English audio then. Granted, pulling missing audio from a TV version isnt ideal but that way at least it would be complete…
As for the aspect ratio, I will contact them and try to find out
Bruckner says Argentinia too.
Imdb says both. Well could be a mix
I will report back after a phone call with the project lead…
Ok, so … a) a decision was made to slightly cushion the image, because otherwise non-nerd customers would have complained about the tape-flashes that are visible outside the 2.35:1 edges (I might be able to obtain a photo example), and this was also done in screenings at the time, so even 2,21:1 projections would not always show that aspect ratio, as the projectionists would matte the image to cover up problems or care for a sharper edge around the pictures
b) there might be several versions of the film, for example the Italian cut is known to be quite different. They of course went with what they had, which is the only known original 70mm negative of the film, and it is the German theatrical premiere version. If there are other versions around (TV, DVD, etc), that might be, I think we will have to wait for a picture by picture comparison to judge how much “damage” was done by the distributors back in the day…
I think all things considered this is an amazing job. Another tidbit Mr Born shared with me is, that the available soundtrack is in fact a re-recording, because the composer would have otherwise never been able to show his work to the world, as the company back then cut his music down and used little of it…
Here is my review (German):
I will translate it if I find the time