REVENGE OF SARTANA=available next week aka murieta


MY EMAIL[/quote]
whats the ebay seller name?


Oh, beat me to it…

…and it is here:

Or you can buy it from him directly for $30 including shipping.

it might be available from xploited.u can ask him.

is this a bootleg? I’m thinking about moving topics like this to our trading forums, if it’s not dealing with official dvds…

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i dont deal in bootlegs

So you own the copyrights? I sincerely doubt that. I think you’re just a shady entrepeneur trying to cash in on collectors. I’ll retract those words if proven otherwise. But I reckon it’s not that difficult in a country like South Africa to go to a dvd manufacturing company with a spaghetti vhs and order them to put it on dvd. And it sure has the looks of it that that’s what you’re doing. Next step: Slap a crappy looking inlay in there and overcharge on the products using eBay. You don’t even have a website (not that that makes any difference, but still). And $30? come on… Another thing, let’s say you have the South African rights (which I strongly doubt) to the movies you release, ever hear of parallel import?

Very interesting points you raise here, and I look forward to the response !

i dont have time to waiste on this.dont buy if u think its bootlegs.i doubt u even know any of the distributors.
u make a stupid comment about par me where u will find fedra west, bastards go kill or arizona colt returns in english.if it is available for pa import then why dont u show us and we all go buy from that place. who needs a website in south africa. i sell to retaillers over here.not online
if u or anyone has a doubts about copyrights,not that it matters to anyone anyway, then dont buy the product.simple as that.wont make any difference to me.
i know what rights i ow and dont have to explain to anyone .

[quote=“warrior, post:10, topic:731”]i dont have time to waiste on this.dont buy if u think its bootlegs.i doubt u even know any of the distributors.
u make a stupid comment about par me where u will find fedra west, bastards go kill or arizona colt returns in english.if it is available for pa import then why dont u show us and we all go buy from that place. who needs a website in south africa. i sell to retaillers over here.not online
if u or anyone has a doubts about copyrights,not that it matters to anyone anyway, then dont buy the product.simple as that.wont make any difference to me.
i know what rights i ow and dont have to explain to anyone .[/quote]

You are correct you do not have to explain things, but perhaps out of courtsey of being a member of this site, it would be good to do so, considering people may be parting with their hard earned cash.

The FEDRA WEST print you used is of very poor quality, and if that is the only print available then that is perhaps why nobody else has released it.
This DVD is overpriced considering the quality.

The prints of Bastards Go And Kill and Dead Men Don’t Make Shadows has also been questioned on this site:,703.30.html

like i said dont buy if u dont like it.i dont have to explian out of courtesy my rights to anyone.what do u think i get them free?i have to part with my hard earned cash as well. botom line is IF YOU ARE IN DOUBT ABOUT MY PRODUCT THEN DONT BUY THEM.ITS AS SIMPLE AS THAT.

[quote=“warrior, post:12, topic:731”]like i said dont buy if u dont like it.i dont have to explian out of courtesy my rights to anyone.what do u think i get them free?i have to part with my hard earned cash as well. botom line is IF YOU ARE IN DOUBT ABOUT MY PRODUCT THEN DONT BUY THEM.ITS AS SIMPLE AS THAT.

I do not know whether you have to buy these films or get them for free, as I only have your word on this.

If in fact you do ‘buy’ them, then yes that is your hard cash spent.

However, when you come to sell these films to other people you are affecting lots of other peoples hard earned cash.
And that is what we do at this forum discuss DVD releases (aswell as many other things), in order to inform people so they can make up their own minds on whether to purchase or not.

I would just like to say that what Southern DVD / Global Video is releasing is NOT VHS transfers as is implied at one of the above posts. Most releases have been on par with what Wild East has released and some even above that. I think he transfers them from 16mm prints or something, definitely not VHS as can easily be seen.

Talking about bootlegs here is just plain wrong you might aswell attack the Wild East releases and ban them as not being official releases but I don’t think we would like that. Sure its a gray market but lets not get carried away and just appreciate the releases coming out. Do I want these perhaps semi-legal (I dont know and don’t really care) releases. YES. Releases like His Life Is Mine and Man Called Invincible are in impeccable quality. Better than what Wild East has performed in a long time and I wouldn’t want to miss out on those. Sure Fedra West was in less than perfect quality but fair is fair and Naushad stated this when first releasing it.

That said it is true that I have some trouble with two of the latest releases as mentioned above and I have mentioned those to Naushad. His new releases are also coming out in PAL-only which should secure that that problem doesn’t happen again.

[quote=“ENNIOO, post:13, topic:731”]And that is what we do at this forum dicuss DVD releases (aswell as many other things), in order to inform people so they can make up their own minds on whether to purchase or not.[/quote]Well said.

[quote=“AvatarDK, post:14, topic:731”]His new releases are also coming out in PAL-only which should secure that that problem doesn’t happen again.[/quote]Glad to hear that.

i have not seen the problem you were mentioning but will gladly exchange them for the pal one ones they come into stock.also most of my titles are from digi beta and nt reels.the odd ones are from reels eg trailers,fedra west, muirieta,but rest assured most of future ones are great quality. u will see when i release 10 killers and night of serpent and they will be in pal .i can send u dvdr of the 2 titles u had problems until i get the pressed dvds.lemme know

with my bootleg question, I was not intending to start a fight, I was merely asking, so I could classify this topic accordingly.
‘warrior’, everything that’s not a licensed release is a bootleg, although the name “bootleg” is in most cases a bit overdone. Even Wild East DVDs are technically bootlegs, because the films they release are public domain in the US anyways. for example, a DVD of death rides a horse in the UK is a non-bootleg if it’s from MGM, because they own the UK rights to it. in the US, no company owns the rights to the film, so the material is a free-for-all. call it bootleg, call it no-name release whatever.

i didnt want to question the quality of your products, I was merely inquring because I didn’t know what it was you were selling. no harm intended

no problem
fyi i own right to most of my titles for south africa.
night of sepent cost me 10k euros tahts why i have to charge $30 to get my money back
same for 10 killers 8k euros

I would love PAL-replacements when they become available. Do you have a date yet?

The problem is easily seen so you must have noticed it.

I never implied that. It’s besides the point. It’s possible to get 16mm on eBay too and then transfer them to dvd.[quote=“warrior, post:10, topic:731”]i dont have time to waiste on this.dont buy if u think its bootlegs.i doubt u even know any of the distributors.
u make a stupid comment about par me where u will find fedra west, bastards go kill or arizona colt returns in english.if it is available for pa import then why dont u show us and we all go buy from that place. who needs a website in south africa. i sell to retaillers over here.not online
if u or anyone has a doubts about copyrights,not that it matters to anyone anyway, then dont buy the product.simple as that.wont make any difference to me.
i know what rights i ow and dont have to explain to anyone .[/quote]
First of all, if you’re the real mccoy, why do you feel attacked?
You’re right. I was never planning on and never will buy any of your dvd’s. Regarding Fedra West. I know who has the copyrights to that, worldwide. So answer me, who did you pay to secure those rights. Wrong answer and I know you’re a liar. Furthermore I think your post is rude, without any content. You didn’t take away any doubt I have regarding ‘your’ releases. You only created more. I don’t mind you making money. Hell, there’s a sucker born every minute. But don’t be a liar or a hypocrite about it. You present yourself like some sort of saint because you release spaghetti westerns. Hell, I could do that! And I’d do a better job too. Hmm, might actually be a good idea. I just copy your discs at a factory, create a better looking cover and offer them half the price you are doing. What would you do, take it to the judge? Bottom line, I’m not taking your word for it. Especially not from a guy who doesn’t even master the English language.