Post pet pix

I have one word for that…


…then back to the Pet Store.

The initial purchase of a tank etc. is when the costs are mainly.

Used to have tropical fish…may start up again.

My trip for Pie ‘n’ peas was delayed by my mate bringing around his new Boxer pup, for it’s maiden voyage out. Not my dog of course - (we’re not ready to replace Sparky (RIP) yet, but we are gonna be looking after this fellah at times - dog-sitting in holidays n stuff …
And here is this magnificent animal …

Check them bright eyes out

Check them red eyes out

A devil pet :smiley: .

A devil pet in Devil Bunny’s pocket.

Actually, she is the better of the 2. The other keeps escaping & getting into our heating system at say…oh…3:30AM!!! Nice to have a wake/search & rescue mission hours before you need to be at work.