POLL: What is your favourite Clint Eastwood western apart from the Leone trilogy

OFF TOPIC ALERT: My favourite Eastwood film that he hasn’t directer, but has starred in, which isn’t a spagetti western is “Kelly’s Heros”. A really, really entertaining war film. Plus, you have Donald Sutherland as the world,s first hippie.

I watched this again recently and it is an awesome movie.

Indeed it is. In fact, I might set up a thread about it, if it hasn’t already been done.

I go for The Outlaw Josey Wales.

Warren Oates always stars in slow and poetic Westerns for some reason.

I rewatched it recently
Not great, but okay; good cast, nice scenery, interesting premise, but you can’t shake the feeling they could’ve done more with this cast, scenery and premise.

voted for Josey Wales, was gonna vote for Joe Kidd but then I realized the only reason I was gonna vote for it is cause the music is so damn good…Wales feels more epic too

Wild Bunch?

Bit of a different poll here, too. You can vote twice on this one as there are quite a few to choose from, and a wide range of styles. See up top.