Pecos Cleans Up / Pecos è qui: prega e muori! (Maurizio Lucidi, 1967)

A continuation of the pecos films with treasure hunt plot thrown in. Haven’t seen it. Is it good?

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Database page: Pecos è qui: prega e muori - The Spaghetti Western Database

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Haven’t seen it me either but the intro is pretty good with an as usual enjoyable Lallo Gori score :):

I prefer the first Pecos film as more mean and better story.

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One of the worst sequels ever, 100% waste of time. The first Pecos was very good. I don’t think Lallo Gori made one good score.

Some of his Fidani scores are awful but I think the main theme in Black Jack is great.

I thought it was very bad. One of the worst spaghettis, it can’t hold a candle to the first one. It’s very lightweight fare and completely lacks the grim atmosphere of the first one. I didn’t like the locations either.

I didn’t think this was so bad but, as a sequel, it pales in comparrison to the original.
It also, has a completely different tone. Being much lighter than the first film. In fact it is only the character of Pecos Martinez that connects these two films. The first is much darker and is basically a revenge flick. Whereas the second is more of an adventure/treasure hunt picture. Strange to change things so much if you are hoping to benefit from the success of the original.

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I think it feels more Mexican than Italian. It almost doesn’t even feel like a Western.

I think the marquee value of the name was all that mattered to the film-makers in this case. The first Pecos film was very popular in Third World markets in particular and they probably gambled that anything with Pecos in it would attract enough spectators to make it a worthwhile venture. (IIRC, the sequel did pretty well in Italy, too.)

It was the same with Django/Sartana etc, except in this case the lead actor actually returned to the same role - audiences weren’t being duped in that respect.

Until they watched the film, that is, which, as everyone says, is nothing like the excellent original.

Just viewed this one again in a not bad widescreen print and enjoyed alot more this time round, even though I prefer the first Pecos film.

Me too, wish I had a better copy of the first one.

Just viewed the Dutch EVC version, a nice letterbox print, probably the best available.

Can’t say I agree with the, mostly lukewarm, response to this film. I very much enjoyed this. Lucidi obviously wasn’t taking things too seriously, but made a nice treasure hunt adventure nevertheless. The tone is indeed not too dark, the mariachis make sure of that, but there’s still some badass shooting.

The incorporating of three of the seven deadly sins -marking the deaths of Thonville, Rayo and El Supremo- was a clever touch.

I didn’t mind the humour and some of the puns were even quite funny. It’s a good thing though that Lucidi never enters slapstick territory. Also the jokes are not omni present, so I wouldn’t call it a comedy.

Robert Woods does a very good job as Pecos. Luciana Gilli is nice eye candy. Lallo Gori does variations on his own themes, as he does more often. It works quite well.


Yes, best version I have seen so far for sure.

For those interested, I found the film can be viewed online:

I have never seen the entire film. Every time I have tried to watch it I have switched it off before it is even halfway finished. I don’t think the film is outrageously bad…I am just disappointed that it isn’t even 1/8 as good as MY NAME IS PECOS .

I expected a bad film, but it was quite enjoyable. I follow mostly BL’s opinion and can’t understand some of the very negative reviews. It surely is a change of mood compared to the bleaker first Pecos film, and the much to cheap look doesn’t help either, but it surely has its moments. 3/5

(Kill the Mariachi players)

“Kill the Mariachi players? Okay, where are they?”

and i thought this sequel is a total crap, but according to your review it looks very good to me - well one pecos double session is in the offing

I wouldn’t call it very good, but it was better than I had expected. Noticed that Stanton and Bad Lieutenant had the same idea.
The first Pecos is a 7/10 for me, the sequel 6,25/10 ;). Good enough for me.

Woods disliked making sequels of any of his films and this is a prime example of why. MY NAME IS PECOS is one of the small gems of the Spaghetti Western genre and the Pecos character is probably Wood’s best remembered role. The sequel is nothing like the first film as the addition of the three stooges ruins the entire Pecos persona. Why the Italians continued to try and mix drama and comedy into these westerns is beyond me as they seldom work. Either make a comedy or make a dramatic film. Leone added bits of black humor which were excellently done but slapstick and stupidity added to a dramatic western just asked for rejection. Maybe they were hits in Italy but they never were once they left their shores. This is what ruined the genre and made it a cliche of itself followed by a pack of bad films which ultimately killed of the genre from which it has never recovered.

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