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Any views on the Democratic USA race nomination between Hillary Clinton and Obama ?

I am rooting for Hillary and would like to see an USA woman president :o but the
Republicans have some interesting candidates too Mitt Romney :o the smooth Mormon.

I’d rather have Obama, Americas first black president, then that power hungry bitch Hillary Clinton and her womanizing, perjured, impeached husband back in office. Any of the Republicans would be better than her. If you think Bush is bad you just wait and see how bad the world situation gets if she beccomes president.

Very interesting Tom :smiley:
I would prefer AL SHARPTON :wink: as black president rather than Obama but I can
certainly see your point about Bill Clit-on’s very stained past performances :o
The Republican candidates are definitely more interesting and GEORGE BUSH is
always excellent fun in the cartoons found in the Guardian (Steve Bell), Indep(DBrown) :slight_smile:

The democrats either push forward a black man or a woman. In other words: The next president is going to be a republican.

Quite strong words, Tom.
Are we going to get these invectives instead of reasoning untill november?

I remember Kerry four years ago.
A very mediocre candidate of course, but all the Bush camp could come up with, was a smear campaign and some accusations of an alleged lack of leadership.

From Bush’s point of view, that was a very smart thing to do. The legacy of his first four years was disastrous, so it was much wiser to talk about vague things like ‘leadership’ (evidence for it is mainly based on impression, like beauty it’s in the eye of the beholder).

So from Bush’s point of view it was understandable, but I was surprised that so many Americans adopted his tactics: most of his supporters compulsively repeated the elements from the smear campain and bragged about George W’s leadership.

So this time around the most probable Democratic candidate is a ‘power hungry bitch’ with a ‘womanizing, perjured, impeached husband’ …

Personally I have no preference yet for one of the candidates.
I prefer reasoning to smear campaigns and a policy of accusations.
Thus far Clinton seems a tiny bit more rational than Obama, who is in the first place being emotional.
On the Republican front, McCain seems the most reasonable man.

Sad, but true…

Yes I would say that after Hillary and Obama have finished mauling/biting each other
then the next president should be a nice smooth, morally strong/religious republican :wink:

My Next president USA TIP and I am saying it now this early is : MITT ROMNEY

The political situation here in Ireland is quite interesting at the moment. It seems that our Prime Minister didn’t pay his taxes on some dodgy donations he received and now he’s buggered off on a trade mission to South Africa while the heat is on!

Are all politicians everywhere corrupt and/or dishonest? Has anyone ever met one they could trust 100%? I’ve had a few dealings with them here in Ireland and it seems that dishonesty and being 2-faced are prerequisites for the job. Are other board members in other countries as disillusioned with politics as I am?

Had no interest in politics for a long time now.

You are not alone Cian. An honest politician is almost like an oxymoron. And SW directors like Sollima I think captured much of that sentiment. SW’s are filled with corrupt, evil, dishonest elite members of society.

Although I like Obama, I can’t help but wonder maybe hes a bit too inexperienced.

And how about that french president Nicolas Sarkozy and his relationship with the golddigger/jezebel Carla Bruni.

Carla Bruni would put some of Nieve Navarro’s SW characters to shame. What a man-user!

[quote=“Col. Douglas Mortimer, post:10, topic:831”]And how about that french president Nicolas Sarkozy and his relationship with the golddigger/jezebel Carla Bruni.

Carla Bruni would put some of Nieve Navarro’s SW characters to shame. What a man-user![/quote]

Great comparison, Col.

Politicians, businessmen , people with power/wealth are in LARGE NUMBERS
extremely corrupt/greedy/ruthless/uncaring .
The most sickening example of criminal/corrupt/greedy currently is these so called

“Russian Oligarchs” like Abominable- Witch the guy worth 11 Billion owner of footy club

These asset seizing corrupt leeches took advantage of an unwise “change” from a fair
COMMUNIST system into a so called CAPITALIST system in Russia, to plunder/steal ALL
the Billions that were state assets and had been the property of millions of Russians.
Now those Billions of former state assets have been ruthlessly stolen by the “oligarchs”.
and these arrogant, corrupt criminals are polluting Europe with their stolen money/goods
I am NO Communist but I am all for COMMON SENSE and FAIR PLAY and SHARING fairly. :’(

Yes…I pay as little attention as I can, try to use my vote responsibly and try not to get upset about what happens. In Canada I suppose it’s the same as everywhere else…

Nicolas Sarkozy :-* Carla Bruni but his ex wife Cecilia has some dark secrets to reveal :smiley:

Some have asked whether Sarkozy is neglecting his duties as president while he flirts,
sucks up and romances with the much “travelled around” Carla Bruni ;D

HELP Can anybody please NAME This Man ?? :smiley: I seen him somewhere before :o

Anybody who guesses correctly will win a “prize” of Dinner For 2 with Armin Meiwes :smiley:

E’ troppo facile, SD:

Giorgio del Bosco e Paolo Figlio di Lupo

[quote=“scherpschutter, post:16, topic:831”]E’ troppo facile, SD:

Giorgio del Bosco e Paolo Figlio di Lupo[/quote]

Thats Right Scherp you got it right !

That was Uncle Bush and Paul The Wolf-ko-witch ;D

So its Scherp booked for Armin Meiwes’s DINNER ;)…sorry for Dinner “with” Armin Meiwes :smiley:

SERIAL KILLERS have had numerous TV shows devoted to them /Books Written :o

NAME your “most interesting” Serial Killer in history and explain why :o

NAME also your choice for WHO was really JACK THE RIPPER …back in Whitechapel…
A man called James Broderick has been mentioned as a chief suspect…

PS> I must stress that discussing a subject like Serial Killers in no way implies any
"support" or “praise” for these murderers. The death penalty should be applied
to serial killers and many other killers like street muggers who cruelly murder
innocent people sometimes while high on drugs/alcohol/sick lyrics :’(

[quote=“SARTANA DJANGO, post:18, topic:831”]SERIAL KILLERS have had numerous TV shows devoted to them /Books Written :o

NAME your “most interesting” Serial Killer in history and explain why :o

NAME also your choice for WHO was really JACK THE RIPPER …back in Whitechapel…
A man called James Broderick has been mentioned as a chief suspect…

PS> I must stress that discussing a subject like Serial Killers in no way implies any
“support” or “praise” for these murderers. The death penalty should be applied
to serial killers and many other killers like street muggers who cruelly murder
innocent people sometimes while high on drugs/alcohol/sick lyrics :'([/quote]

In Holland we had a woman called ‘Goeie Mie’, who lived in Leiden and was accused of killing nearly thirty people, among them women and children. She was suspected of some seventy (!) grisly murders and murder attemps more.
Those murders and murder attempts were the more grisly since she used arsenic, causing a prolonged and very painful death-struggle.

Even in jail she tried to poison a few in-mates.

She certainly is one of the greatest poisoners in history.

[quote=“scherpschutter, post:19, topic:831”]In Holland we had a woman called ‘Goeie Mie’, who lived in Leiden and was accused of killing nearly thirty people, among them women and children. She was suspected of some seventy (!) grisly murders and murder attemps more.
Those murders and murder attempts were the more grisly since she used arsenic, causing a prolonged and very painful death-struggle.

Even in jail she tried to poison a few in-mates.

She certainly is one of the greatest poisoners in history.[/quote]

A very nasty piece of work Scherp, this poisonous ogre Maria did it all for MONEY after
she secured various life/health insurance policies on the victims :'(, she then poisoned
them sadistically , without mercy and included her own mother at the beginning :-
Some victims were also dispatched so that Maria could gorge on their inheritance.

I heard she was also head chef at a Five Star Luxury restaurant. Nothing new there :wink: