New and Upcoming Western Films/Shows

has anyone seen this?

this looks different.

anyone seen this?

In a Valley of Violence isn’t released until the middle of October now, I think, so unless anyone has caught it at a film festival it’s doubtful anyone’s seen it yet. A few of us have seen Forsaken, I personally didn’t rate it but I think @Admin enjoyed it. I haven’t yet seen Diablo but that one’s been knocking around for a while now and I think quite a few of the gentlemen on here have seen it. I think reviews were mixed, I could be mistaken.

I’m not familiar at all with Kill or be Killed.

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This might be good


Uli saw it in Cannes and liked it

yes, reviewed it on, will translate it for

This reply touches on what I think may, or hopefully eventually will, happen. It needs to just become a permanent acceptable go to thematic option, instead of a genre that comes back, and subsequently goes away. Like when a martial arts movie comes out we don’t think “shaw bros kung fu flicks are back”… they are just always with us forevermore.

I also think the myriad of new westerns, many direct to streaming and not on the OP’s list, are really poorly done, which doesn’t help boost the supply and demand. I also fully admit this perception could be my bias to Spaghetti Western though, as the contemporary westerns I see are so flooded with perfectly laundered wardrobe from, shiny wear free chrome blank-firing weapons from along with their poorly executed cgi muzzle flashes set against the same fakey-looking relatively clean old west rent-a-town movie set - that I just become more and more disenchanted… and bitter.

Maybe niche… or “cult” is the answer - and man I have always felt Spaghettis are an untapped peg for that pigeon hole. if only more filmmakers knew about/embraced them for what they really are. I mean if an exec/distributor never heard of a Spaghetti Western and someone had just wrapped one up, a good one that wears its homages on its sleeve, they could easily pitch it as a Psychedelic Mad Max Samurai film set in an anachronistic southwest. How could that not sell! :wink:

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Brimstone review

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The Western never really left…

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Nice piece. I mean tbh even in posing the question at the start of the thread, I was never of the opinion that the western had gone altogether at any point so, in that sense, it’s true that the western never really left (and I’m talking about actual westerns here). But of course filmmakers transpose the western wholesale to all manner of other times and places; James Mangold for example made Cop Land because he wanted to make the story as a western but wasn’t confident at that stage in his career about taking on a period piece (he went on to remake 3:10 to Yuma, of course). But the themes most prevalent in westerns - morality, struggles through adverse conditions, revenge - lend themselves so well to cinema, you can tell those tales against any backdrop at all (the post-apocalyptic backdrop being especially ripe, stripped and freed as it is from other contemporaneous themes). But whilst some - many - of these tales of revenge or morality or survival will be consciously supplanted westerns, many certainly will not be.

Ultimately though, I’d hate for the western to die altogether and be allowed to do so because, well, they’re all post-apocalyptic films now, aren’t they? Ooh, no.

I wonder how much more popular the western needs to become in the US before the Italian film industry decides once more to exploit the popularity and knock a few spags out? :sunglasses:

It’s interesting to note that one of the first post-apocalyptic Westerns was Hermann’s Jeremiah, a Belgian comic book series first published in 1978 in Zack magazine, a German comics anthology. Among Hermann’s influences were most probably films like Robert Clouse’s The Ultimate Warrior (1975) and clearly Spaghetti Westerns, concerning the two protagonists’ (a)morality and worldview.

The first two pages of La Nuit des rapaces (literally: “The Night of the Raptors”), Jeremiah’s first adventure:

Two pages from Jungle City (2015), Hermann’s thirty-fourth and last Jeremiah album to date:


Translated my review of FORSAKEN, for all of you viewing pleasure

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Yeah I think my thing is longing for that specific sub-genre ya know? Like being a martial arts fan that yearns for Kurosawa’s Samurais but could care less about the Shaw’s kung-fu masters (not that that’s possible of course) – or – being the first in line for SAW VIII but turning your nose up at FRIDAY THE 13TH XXVI – Clamoring for all the Hammer Horror films but finding the Universal stuff lukewarm (actual personal example there). It’s a pit in my stomach along these lines.

The fact that one loves, but never gets, the signature tropes of the Spaghetti Western with all its glorious weird west vibe and pulpy comic book aesthetic, and is instead relegated to being placated with a rash of traditional Fordesque Westerns, of varying production values, kind of sucks. I like four-wheel drive vehicles but I want a jeep. I like steak, but I love filet. Zombie flicks are awesome but ONLY if they walk!

It’s just a huge gaping hole in the cult genre midnight movie underground, and I don’t know why. Is it really still that obscure in a world where pop culture thrives on the slightly off, familiarly foreign and coveted cool? Argh. I guess I am just not satisfied with saying “Westerns are back, or alive, or never left” - I want more than that… more specific that is.

Also, to the point about the “western” being packaged as other genres, including post-apocalyptic, it’s an interesting phenomenon considering that’s exactly what so many of the westerns, including the Spaghetti’s, did to the other genres to get their foothold. I guess I’m OK with robbing Peter to pay Paul as long as Peter robs me back. :slight_smile:

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Ti West digs Mannaja :wink:

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Nice article

Bring it, Kev

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And a little preview of Brimstone