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Thanks John, loads of reading, it’ll be certainly interesting.

An interesting read, John.

I have no problem with the things you say on For a few Dollars More, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly and Once Upon a Time in the West.

I’m not sure about this American-Mexican thing in A Fistful of Dollars. I often wondered if this setting on both sides of the border was deliberate (and ‘meant’ something), or simply coincidental. I don’t know, still have my doubts. I don’t think it was meant to be political, but then again, an artist might create something unconsciously, without any intention to do so. Racial things might have been in the back of his head, but I don’t think they were very strong. Racial prejudice, and the fight against it, was a left-wing obsession, and unlike Corbucci and Sollima, Leone was not a left-wing artist; he blamed his colleagues for their marxist obsessions. Still, not being left-wing doesn’t mean you don’t have problems with racism (and he wasn’t really right-wing either).

I will have to rewatch Duck You Sucker one day, and watch it with your eyes. I never got much grip on that movie. Maybe yours is the right way to approach it.

Thanks for reading it Sherp. Is it possible it could be linked on Facebook? I would do it myself, but I don’t have an account.

A Fistful of Dollars is the most apolitical of Leone’s Westerns, unsurprisingly as it was a remake of Yojimbo. The race element is a major change; it is open to interpretation however as to whether, as you say, it “meant” anything. I think it probably did, but it’s hard to tell because Leone never puts the racial angle to the forefront.

the article? i posted it the day it was finished

Ah right: I didn’t initially see it there. Thanks.

Nice work John - a good read… thanks for the info and opinions. :slight_smile:

I added

and Triggerman - The Spaghetti Western Database

to the DB, no idea why they weren’t in there yet

The catalog for Italian home video producer and distributer CG (Cecchi Gori) is finally done. Info not on our site was mostly taken from the CG site. Jonathon, maybe you can take a look for any glaring errors?

It will be done! :wink:

As regards the recent Mustang Entertainment -CG release of Matalo!, is it confirmed / verified that the runtime is the same as the Medusa DVD (89m 15s PAL)?

I ask this because on this website[/url]
is declared a runtime corresponding to 100m at 24fps.

On this question see here, Replies#11 and 22:,316.0.html?PHPSESSID=a2vvh868dqlo9o2190pc4ader1[url]

great job on that list!

[quote=“JonathanCorbett, post:1589, topic:555”]It will be done! :wink:

As regards the recent Mustang Entertainment -CG release of Matalo!, is it confirmed / verified that the runtime is the same as the Medusa DVD (89m 15s PAL)?

I ask this because on this website[/url]
is declared a runtime corresponding to 100m at 24fps.

On this question see here, Replies#11 and 22: [url=,316.0.html?PHPSESSID=a2vvh868dqlo9o2190pc4ader1],316.0.html?PHPSESSID=a2vvh868dqlo9o2190pc4ader1[url][/url][/quote]

No it is not confirmed as the only info on their site is the Medusa cover so that info was c & p. Update anything that needs it. Thanks

[size=14pt]The Exploration of Violence: The Westerns of Robert Hossein[/size] by John Welles


wow. just wow. you just wrote that up, just like that? :wink:

Looks great, didn’t have time to read it through yet but one thing caught my attention while browsing through:

Hossein also dedicated his film to Leone, a rare instance in the genre, and some have claimed Leone directed parts of the picture, although this seems far-fetched and unlikely.
source for this info is Hossein himself so it should be true. Leone directed the dinner scene.

I’ll read it tonight (if my Internet connection works on this holiday address, had nothing but troubles so far)

posted it all over last night, unfortunately didnt have the impact it hought it would

we definitely need a bunch of SWDB people with REddit accounts

According to Cox (not always reliable of course), Leone didn’t help on the film. Of course, he was in that area at the time so it is possible. Could you post the source where Hossein says this please?

This is what Novecento wrote in film’s topic

I checked the database here where it is suggested that Cris Huerta played the role and this is confirmed by imdb. Secondly, as Hossein points out on the interview on the German DVD, Leone did direct the dinner sequence - a photo of Leone directing is shown, and simply watching the scene shows it to be classic Leone at its purest; the scene is very reminiscent of the eating scenes on the stage coach at the beginning of "Duck You Sucker".

Thanks Bill - corrections like this are what I need to ensure the quality of the article. It has been thus changed and updated.

Great article, John. Very informative and it has encouraged me to explore more Hossein’s films.