Kebab Westerns (Turkish Western Films)

I watched this Turkish western recently and even though the name Tom Braks comes from the western comic book character this is actually a Turkish Trinity. Plot is loose adaptation of The Call me Trinity with fist fights, eating, fighting with frying pan etc. Biggest difference is that Tom Braks’s favorite weapon is a cannon which he drags behinds his horse.

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Looks interesting:

Would be cool to have a little explainer/overview article on Kebab Westerns in the SWDb, can anyone write one?

I’ve been thinking of doing something like that for years but I never got very far with my writing. My idea was to write an introduction about the genre and then short reviews of every turkish westerns I’ve seen. It’s just that my interest for turkish westerns has been too erratic.

maybe some collaborators / co-writers could be found

to bring this up again… maybe doesn’t have to be long, just a basic “intro” article of some sort. Should be do a shout out on Facebook maybe someone knowledgeable could be found to help out