John the Bastard / John il bastardo (Armando Crispino, 1967)

Iā€™d rather be an anti-hero, but I will try to do my best for all the crazy gringos around here ;D

Just hope you donā€™t become as much a bastard as John. And pray to god you like the movie when you see it as it better be worth all this shit! :wink:

Finally watched thisā€¦itā€™s mostly boring stuff. Many scenes do not advance the plot one bit, John spends too much screen time with the ladies and the score is totally of out space and timeā€¦ Picks up a great deal the last 25 minutes, too late by that time for me though. The best thing about this movie is Mitchellā€™s character and the ending. Certainly interesting for the die-hards of the genre, however it is not something I could easily recommend to anyone. 2.5/5 stars

Did you watch the version recently uploaded on CG ?
It says itā€™s ā€˜castellanoā€™, so I presume the only audio available, is Spanish
I therefore havenā€™t downloaded it (yet). I canā€™t understand Spanish very well, and this seems no action-oriented spaghetti, so Iā€™d probably better wait for a fandub.

No, just a DVDR from the Greek tape, scherp. The version the vast majority has seen I supposeā€¦

I avoided that so far because it was (if Iā€™m not mistaken) fullscreen and with mediocre video quality
The version on CG is in widescreen and seems to have good image quality. But, as said, itā€™s probably in Castellano.

Iā€™ll see what do.

Yes, fullscreen and very dark. The faces were unidentifiable at many points.
Iā€™m not particularly picky with the image quality especially when it comes to SWs and I didnā€™t have a big problem with this one. I dare to say that sometimes some films look a lot better with a less than a crystal-clear superb image quality

Somebody will do a fandub most doubt.

Someone said he will upload a fandub of the spanish TV-rip on CG very soon

The print looks nice, I havenā€™t seen the film at all yet

Noticed Cultcine now have a version of the film for sale:


Looks damn good ā€¦

Iā€™ve watch the spanish rip that youā€™re talking about. The print looks good, indeed. But Iā€™m a little bit disappointing with the film, the first 30 minutes (or so) are quite uninterested. Luckily the final duel is quite good and saves it from a fast delete. I prefer the Crispinoā€™s horror.

Whatā€™s the runtime of the spanish Version ?
Iā€™ve an fandub of an Italian TV Brodcast and itā€™s so long as the Greek VHS.

[quote=ā€œItalo-West-Fan, post:53, topic:769ā€]Whatā€™s the runtime of the spanish Version ?
Iā€™ve an fandub of an Italian TV Brodcast and itā€™s so long as the Greek VHS.[/quote]

Tiempo: 1:39:42

Then the Greek tape is slightly longer. It has about 101 min.

But maybe they contain different scenes ā€¦

Yes noticed Spanish prints are not always the longest versions. But like you say sometimes a difference in some scenesā€¦

But the Cultcine version seems to look better. Maybe it is also longer.

All in all a surprisingly inspired film, one of those atypical SWs that in my opinion greatly enrich the genre.
The pre-opening credits sequence seems to me clumsily cut, I think it is essential to recover the complete version.

Just finished watching this one today for the first time, and itā€™s not bad at all. Yes it drags in the bigining, but then it picks up steadily. John is a rotten bastard alright, but he gets whatā€™s coming to him in the end. Too bad G. Mitchel wasnā€™t on screen for alot longer, he looks great in that black outfit. This copy lasted about 99m and some seconds. Not great, but averall an ok spag.

Anybody else having trouble getting on cultcine with the link provided? Seems to be an error page.