Italian Crime Films

Yeah, you nailed it. Those are more or less what I’d pick too.


Those are so great. I would also add VIOLENT NAPLES, and it kills me that there’s no good blu-ray release of this one yet.


Raro are re-releasing the Blu-ray of Milano Calibre 9 with a new 4K restoration


Yes Violent Naples really need a blu ray release as does Violent Rome and why we are on this topic so does Rome: The Other Side of Violence.


well said

This is one of the best although not easy to find (I know I hate looking for obscurities, too):

The action (especially the insane shoot out at its end)…


I bought a bootleg DVD like ten years ago, it was full screen and unwatchable, went right in the garage as far as the movie…couldn’t tell you unfortunately.

Agreed almost entirely. They’re definitely amongst my favourites except for The Boss.

I loved that one too…wasn’t perfect but a good one none-the-less.

Finally watched The Sicilian Connection the other week. Quite liked it…it was light on action but it did a good job of being a bit like a documentary on the drug trade and it was well directed by Baldi. I liked Gazzara in the lead a lot as well.

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Fifty years later the initial idea of “Mark the Shark” as lead actor in La polizia incrimina la legge assolve / High Crime seems rather crazy… :slightly_smiling_face:

Rewatching the excellent DAY OF THE OWL on BluRay courtesy of Radiance Films… review forthcoming on


My favourite Franco Nero film … or, rather the best film he’s appeared in :wink:


when it comes to the small number of films that are both good and his performance also being good, this may indeed hit the nail on its head, you may be right, sir

So we are just going to pretend that Cry Onion does not exist?


Waiting anxiously for my set to come, although just got an email sayings it’s delayed until the end of July :frowning:

July 24 is what they confirmed the other day. but worth the wait, great discs.

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Yep two of the discs in the set had problems so had to be replaced it seems. Good that that was caught on this side of the release. Replacement programs are a pain.

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Do you know what th eproblems were? because there was a short moment without subtitles, that’s what i noticed with day of the owl.

Yeah, can’t complain really. Glad Radiance are making sure their releases are perfect before putting them on shelves :+1:

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This is what they wrote a couple of weeks ago:

Unfortunately the Blu-ray for The Day of the Owl was found to have one minute of dialogue missing. This scene occurs at a seamless branching point and was missed by our QC operator (the subtitles were present but just wouldn’t play so passed our subtitle QC earlier in the process).

Subsequently another disc in the same set was found to have the same error delaying it even further.