I Just Bought … (Non-SW Shopping Diary)


Can’t beat a bit of Pixar :+1:

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I totally agree, Bill Willer. :+1:

In recent years, ‘Pixar’ has been at the forefront of what I would term ‘intelligent animation’, that appeals not only to kids, but also throws a few nods and winks to adults. Sheer magic! :grinning:

I’ve just realised…Bloody 'ell… has it really been 27 years since ‘Toy Story’ appeared on the scene?

‘Time sure flies…’

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The first, and best of the long-running franchise…


And it has no hope of ever attaining its original glory given that the Disney execs have decided to replace Johnny Depp with…Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. :roll_eyes: For better or worse along the way, this is Depp’s baby and the idea of replacing him with anyone, much less The Rock, is just ensuring the quick demise of the franchise. Given that Depp’s legal issues are behind him, I frankly don’t know what Disney is thinking.

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An actual rock would be more convincing as a pirate than Dwayne


I totally agree. No one else can play Jack Sparrow, except Johnny Depp. He has made the part his own, and is seems ridiculous to replace him now. However, it’s all about money, and Dwayne Johnson seems to be riding on the crest of a wave at the moment.
Time will tell… :slightly_smiling_face:

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I am afraid that, here in the U.S. anyway, he is dangerously close to over saturation. Between TV shows and reality competitions and movies, you simply can’t get away from him. I think most people just want him to go away for a while. :laughing:

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Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson was my all time favorite wrestler growing up when WWE was actually good to watch, and I gotta admit most of the movies I’ve seen him in, he’s been really good. I do agree attaching him to Pirates franchise as Jack Sparrow is a shameless cash in, he actually might be a good addition as a new character.

I can’t understand all this hate for him Amigos, I mean yes, I doubt he’ll ever give an Oscar quality performance, but he’s still an entertaining down to earth guy who paid his dues over the years and legitimately earned every bit of success he’s had.

I know he’s not everyone’s cup of tea and that’s fine if some of you don’t care for him, I just don’t understand the gang up on him.

I don’t really think it is a “gang up” so much as people simply offering their opinions. He has been in several entertaining movies, and he has a niche he is good at but that does not fall in the realm of a “Pirates” movie. I will admit that I did lose some respect for him over the whole Furious fiasco. I am not a huge Vin Diesel fan by any means but if Dwayne had a problem with the man, social media is not the place to air your dirty laundry. Then, when Diesel asked him, using the same social media, to return to the finale, Dwayne accused him of “manipulation”.

It isn’t that I don’t believe he has worked hard for his success as he certainly has paid his dues. It is just that I am frankly tired of seeing him everywhere I turn and have heard numerous other people say the same thing. Just take a little break.

,:two_hearts:the rock

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“Gang Up” was a little harsh I have to admit, and I totally get where you’re coming from. The whole thing with him and Vin Diesel was definitely uncalled for, and I was actually more disappointed in him than losing respect for him cause even when Paul ‘HHH’ Levesque was threatened by his higher popularity rate to him, Dwayne never talked crap about him, even when Levesque made his dislike very blatant at times, so that’s what shocked me more than anything with what transpired with Diesel.

I do feel Hollywood’s been overworking him, even popular guys need breaks every now and then.

And I apologize if it sounded like I was taking things personally, meant no ill intentions toward anybody.


No apologies necessary in the slightest. That is what is great about this site - we can all voice our opinions and offer counter opinions with nothing being taken personally. :slightly_smiling_face:


The yard sales were plentiful this weekend but, ultimately, disappointing. I did have a new movie purchase and a couple of eBay deals this week, so it wasn’t a total loss.

I have heard mixed reviews on this poliziottesco/crime film by Luciano Ercoli but since I like The Forbidden Photos of a Lady Above Suspicion and both “Death Walks…” movies, I decided to give it a chance.

I’ve been wanting to get this Severin Films release for a while as it upgrades three of my favorite Barbara Steele gothic horror films all in one package but I wasn’t thrilled with the price. I finally got a really great deal on eBay. I am particularly excited to get Antonio Margheriti’s (allegedly along with Sergio Courbucci) Castle of Blood as it is undoubtedly one of my personal “top films of the genre”.

Another I’ve been trying to get for a while and finally got a price I liked on eBay. Released in 2013, almost every review I’ve read of the film said that it is recommended for “giallo enthusiasts”.


Very good haul there my friend.

I’ve had a copy of that Killer Cop Blu Ray for years now and still haven’t watched it, gotta get around to checking it out. I used to love buying Raro Video products, but I was constantly having issues with the DVDs, they were almost always defective or had freeze glitches. The few Blu Rays I have of their releases are pretty good, but all my bad luck in the past has me hesitant to continue to buy from them.

The woman on the cover of The Strange Color of Your Body’s Tears reminds me a lot of the female protagonist in the Japanese moving painting anime The Belladonna of Sadness.

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Two DC premieres that I’m putting by for Christmas to watch…

Plus: the second ‘Pirates’ film, bought for a mere £1.


The Death of Superman is, imho, a pretty average title. Also, it’s part one of a two-part story which concludes with Reign of the Supermen so you’ll need that one too in order to get the full picture. Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay however is an enjoyable, fun romp (again, merely imho). :+1:

The Pirates films are terrific additions to a blu-ray collection if you can pick them up cheaply enough, I think. I picked the first four up for a quid each (second-hand) and I bought the last one for something like three or four quid (new) just to finish them off. They’re as daft as assholes and they make virtually no sense on any level but they’re an easy bit of colourful candy floss while they’re on. And when’s the best time to watch them? Why, Arrrrrgust of course! Arrrrr!


That was really bad. :laughing:


Cheers, Asa, I’ll look out for that. :+1:


New blu-ray:
