I Just Bought … (Non-SW Shopping Diary)

I’m just watching the Enterprise series for the first time @last.caress
Few episodes into Season 2 and it is growing on me bit by bit. Still can’t stand that bloody theme tune though. That’s an auto fast forward right there

It’s a grower. I was told it was utter rubbish before I saw it and, a few episodes into my first watch, I concurred. But I kept with it and by season four I was quite enjoying it. Then I went back over it and found I enjoyed a lot more of it than I thought I had first time around. I even found the them tune more tolerable, in a cheesy, eye-rolling way.

If I’m nitpicking, I’d say that imho the “Temporal cold War” arc they were trying to push in season 1 was dull and went nowhere, ultimately. And the principal cast of characters are maybe the hardest to like immediately out of those from TOS/TNG/DS9/VOY/ENT. But they get there in the end. Seasons 1 and 2 have some cracking individual episodes, Season 3 is one big, entertaining arc and, despite a terrible finale, season 4 has some brilliant 2 or 3-episode mini-arcs, including easily the best use of the mirror universe from any Star Trek show.

How come you’re only seeing it for the first time now, Phil? Are you a Trek fan generally but just never caught that one, or did you just decide you wanted to try the Treks finally, and you’ve recently eaten through TOS/TAS/TNG/DS9/VOY? I only saw the majority of Star Trek last year; and the stuff I had seen - TOS, the TOS movies and the JJ Abrams new movies - I only saw for the first time over 2016/2017. Its all very new to me but I’m enjoying it all immensely.

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Well, I’m not a full on cosplaying Klingon speaking Trekkie but I’ve always been a fan since watching the original show as a kid. I watched a fair bit of the Next Generation and Deep Space Nine when they were new and a couple of years back worked my way through the entire run of Voyager which I hadn’t seen first time around. I’ve also seen all the films with varying degrees of enjoyment and was enjoying the new series on Netflix until I stopped having access to an account there so haven’t seen the latest episodes.

But for all that, for some reason I had never watched a single episode of Enterprise. I genuinely don’t know why. It just never quite happened. Then a little while ago I was scanning the guide on the telly and stumbled over the Horror channel where episode 1 series 1 of Enterprise was about to start. I’m a sucker for following a series from the very beginning so set it to record and have been watching it ever since.

I agree about the cast. They are less immediately likable but I enjoyed the first few episodes enough to keep with it and the whole thing has continued to grow on me. T’Pol isn’t quite Seven of Nine and Helmsman Travis Mayweather always makes me think of the kid in Galaxy Quest but overall I’ve come to like it so will keep with it as long as Horror are showing it.

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Went and bought these thanks to @makesthemovie.


I have the same UK Enterprise blu-ray box (it’s region free and cost less than the north american edition). I have always been a fan of the show since I taped the series premiere off TV back in 2001. I even have a toy model of the NX-01 on my shelf.

I like Joan Jett too, but I prefer the music she did with her first band The Runaways.

Enjoy them Amigo, glad I inspired you to check them out. Still have to get the other two volumes myself.

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I was also tempted to just get one at a time, but then I realised it was better to get them all while could because they’re limited editions.

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Ebay purchase:



I Love the Original Series and Somewhat Like New Generation
I Think Enterprise is 2nd Only to TOS
I’ll Explain it like this
The Shows Between TOS and Enterprise are like what American Westerns of the 50s are to Spaghetti Westerns - To Clean, Neat, and No Grit (To Neatly Polished)
Enterprise is Like the Spaghetti Westerns (Dirty, Grimy, and Not Polished)

Plus Always was a fan of Scott Bakula

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Replacement for old DVD:

Ive got the Criterion Region 1 US DVD with way more extras than this German blu-ray but my last and only player which plays all DVD regions is on its last legs and I want to keep Traffic - one of my favourite films of all time - available to me by at least some method, and this particular blu was on Amazon UK for a fiver so I thought I’d snatch it up.


I do hope you decide to invest in another All Region player Asa, they’re totally worth it in the long run. I honestly can’t imagine not having one since I finally took the jump and invested in them. Having spent way too long settling on either shotty product or no product at all here in the USA, it’s opened up an unlimited vistas of films I may otherwise miss out on.

Pardon if this sounds like a sales pitch, I just really enjoy the All Region players

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I’ve never had a multiregion blu-ray player, and all of my blu-rays are either region B or region-free. I don’t believe in them. I feel that, once I get one, I’ll naturally start buying blus locked to other regions (ie American region A’s) and, once my collection is made up of locked blu-rays, I’ll be stuck on that merry-go-round and I’ll have to make sure I’ve always got a multiregion player, which is exactly the bind I find myself in now with DVDs. Fortunately I only have a tiny handful of DVDs locked to region 1 (US).

In the DVD heyday 20 years or so ago it was easy to make virtually any player multiregion, usually just by inputting a code with the remote control. Some really cheap bargain brands of DVD players used to be inadvertently multiregion straight out of the box. And I was able to make a couple of my blu-ray players (one long gone now, one about to die) multiregion for DVDs only, not blu-rays by buying a weird little remote device off of eBay for a tenner.

But if my blu-ray players blow up or fizzle out as they do from time to time I want to be able to just nip down to my local stockists and pick up a new one at a reasonable price, not have to scour the Internet hoping to find a legit supplier of a tampered machine for £100-£150 over and above what I’d be paying already just to ensure that I don’t suddenly effectively lose half my collection. Sod that.

As things stand (now that I’ve replaced Traffic, albeit with a version with far less extras), in losing the ability to play region 1 DVDs in my house (for the time being; I might still fork out for another weird remote device to make the blu-ray players in my house multiregion for DVD playback if I’m able to), I’ll be boxing away a couple of Echo Bridge cheapo spag box sets, a few Dog the Bounty Hunter compilations and Kevin Smith’s Dogma (1999). I can live with that. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Digital is the Wave of the Future (Actually Its Been the Future Since 2009 or So

I Haven’t Bought a DVD or Blu-Ray since 2010

A Few Flash Drives can Store my Collection of DVDs and Blu-Rays (Few Hundred or So)
I can Put all the Drives in Two Prescription Bottles for Storage
No Need for Entertainment Cabinets

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Ooh, no. I mean, it is the future, indeed, but I’m going to resist that until the very last disc on Earth is sold. I am a collector of physical media. My collection represents a constant, never-ending battle for space in my house but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’d hate for my beautiful, unwieldy shelves full of discs to be replaced by a couple of discreet, tidy, nondescript hard drives (my wife will probably disagree with me quite emphatically here :slightly_smiling_face:).


There will always be physical media collectors amigo, we may end up in a minority, but we’ll never die :grinning:

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To each his own my friend, that’s fine by me. I’m finding that many multi-region player owners like myself have particular ultra favorite genres you have to look elsewhere for. It proves the old adage of preferences :smiley:

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Not to be a Know it all, but A Blu-ray or DVD is just Digital Data on a Round Plastic Disk
A Flash Drive is Also Physical Media
:joy: Just Messing with Ya!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Lucky! I wanted that

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I’ve always found it difficult to browse the spines of my thumb drives. :yum:

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