Hell On Wheels--New AMC TV Series

The first two episodes were like a demonstration of exactly what a modern western should be (IMO) - but the slowing down after these fast paced episodes is a major problem, and it never picked back up for me. Even my girlfriend who enjoys watching westerns with me as a sleep aid found these first episodes dizzying. The newest season is just now starting and I suppose I’ll have to devise a way to see the new episodes, but at this point it feels like the writers are losing steam.

I found this to be one of the worst episodes… although I also find it hilarious that this show cannot escape the overlong and annoying fistfight trappings of the spaghettis from decades ago. Only here, we get an entire episode devoted to a fistfight, rather than the usual 5 minutes.

well the new season beginns soon. i will watch, and hope that it picks up pacing

Yeah, despite my complaints, its still great to have a decent western series on television. Hopefully it continues at least for another couple of seasons.

I am also catching up on Hatfields and McCoys now…

Well, I happen to like the show even though the pace on some episodes slows it down, but it’s still entertaining.

I guess the real issue for me isn’t so much the pacing itself, its that when its slowing down it seems be lingering in areas that don’t really grab ahold of my attention. Its like the show’s strongpoints are its action, character images, and generally everything except substance in the storylines.

When the episodes try to focus on the drama, the writing just isn’t very effective at developing interesting depth of story and character, and it becomes more standard fare whereas it was previously above standard with the fast paced action.

We’ve come to the end of a full season and not much has advanced in the atmosphere, story or characters.

…or in terms of distance travelled :slight_smile:

Yes Sebastian… definitely not much distance traveled and that’s a good way of explaining the series so far.

Don’t want to be a buzzkill on the show though so I’ll leave my thoughts there and wait for the new episodes to comment any further

I think this show is awesome. I guess it could have more action and a faster pace but I’m all about story and characters so I don’t mind.

Second season started a few weeks ago, and it’s getting very interesting with the plot twits. Pace is about the same witch I like, but it’s more violent and bloody, especially last weeks third episode. Great stuff so far, love it.

On a side note, Anson Mount the star of (Hell on Wheels) offers his picks for his top three Westerns of all time.


Hey, at least he’s got a spag on the list. ;D

yeah interesting so far, but still i find it a bit too meandering. I mean there wasnt even one scene in it where they laid railroad tracks… it’s just another drama with a historic backdrop, but you dont see anything really happening. like ride their damn horses, shot each other, dig a railroad track, whatever… i hope it picks up :slight_smile:

I’m halfway the first season, and I seem stuck in the middle, as if Hell on was Steeler’s Wheel.
It started just fine, but after the first two, three episodes it all seems to come to a halt.

I had trouble with Deadwood too, I just don’t like those series that simply go on and on, without going anywhere in particular.