Have a Good Funeral, My Friend … Sartana Will Pay / Buon funerale amigos! … Paga Sartana (Giuliano Carnimeo, 1970)

This is the 2nd one of Giuliano Carnimeo’s Sartana films, and it’s his best, nearly on par with Parolini’s If You Meet Sartana.

It’s the usual Sartana story with many double crosses and lots of dubious characters (including Sartana himself, who’s motivation is doubtful and get’s a nice twist near the end), all of them of course only interested in money.

This is one of the few films which weren’t written/co-written by Carnimeos’s prefered screenplay writer Tito Carpi, but by Giovanni Simonelli, a similar prolific author of the 2nd ranks, whose stories are more logical structured.

So here the plot is more thoughtful developed, the characters are more colourful developed, the solutions are more satisfying than in Carnimeo’s other Spags. There are no simple “surprises”, which aren’t a surprise for every slightly experienced viewer, instead we know early who’s responsible for the murders, but we have to learn why they were done, we have several more shady characters, whose shadyness is without doubt, but we don’t know how they are involved in the cheat, and who is at the moment cheating whom.
There are nevertheless enough surprises, but they are not that foreseeable, and they are presented in a satisfying way.

Garko is good as ever, but his domination is balanced by the roles of George Wang and Daniela Giordano, who adds a welcome erotic element to the Sartana formula. Both enrich Have a Good Funeral a lot.

This is also (together with My Name Is Halleluja) Carnimeo’s most inspired work as director, his most disciplined, not so much made in his usual anything goes style.

And this film brings back my favoured Sartana image, when he stands there black claded with the rifle over his shoulders. Also the slightly mystical effect of his appearences similar to the 1st Sartana is reintroduced here.

Strangely Have a Good Funeral, Sartana Will Pay seems to be the least popular of the 4 Sartana’s, as in both our forum’s - and the Fatmandan list, he is only the #4.
On the other hand there seems to be no doubt that it is the one with the best score (by Bruno Nicolai).

For more info visit:
Database page: http://www.spaghetti-western.net/index.php/Buon_funerale%2C_amigos%21…_paga_Sartana

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[quote=“stanton, post:1, topic:1352”]Strangely Have a Good Funeral, Sartana Will Pay seems to be the least popular of the 4 Sartana’s, as in both our forum’s - and the Fatmandan list, he is only the #4.
On the other hand there seems to be no doubt that it is the one with the best score (by Bruno Nicolai).[/quote]Maybe because of lack of big names in the cast. Other ones have Kinski, Berger, Kinski again, Frank Wolff, Gordon Mitchell, Piero Lulli, Charles Southwood etc. I dunno, I actually seem to prefer always the one I’ve watched last (except If you meet… my least favorite). You’re totally right about the score, one of the best in any sw.

Your link doesn’t work (at least on my PC), so I’ll give it another try:


Otherwise: great work!
I don’t have much time today, so I’ll load it up tomorrow


Don’t know why the link doesn’t work, did it the same way as ever. A 2nd try also failed to work! ???

I simply did it with ‘copy’ and ‘paste’

Me too, but for unknown reasons if you click on it the last part of the adress isn’t underlined, your’s is

Scherpschutter used ‘%21’ instead of ‘!’, maybe that’s the reason?

I used Internet Explorer, maybe you used Firefox
I’m going to try to copy the address in Firefox

Seems to work in Firefox too:


Yes Firefox, I’ve added %21 to the adress, nada

Now I copied/pasted it with the internet explorer and … it works

The secrets of the net …

I thought that horse & cart action scene was amazing, I wasn’t as blown away by the score as I should have been because i’d already seen Shanghai Joe before this… Sartana the Gravedigger is probably my favourite but I like Have a Good Funeral as much as Light the Fuse.

You can’t go wrong with the combination of Garko + Carnimeo, my second favourite Sartana after ''Light the fuse…" 4/5


I just watched this and thought it was a typically great Sartana film…as mentioned the score was brilliant. I found the cinematography a little distracting at times when it was Sartana’s perspective glancing around the bar but that’s a minor point.

4 out of 5 stars for this one.

Yeah, absolutely amazing score, my favourite from Bruno Nicolai

It’s a good one. I thought the first half of the movie was better but then it was a bit slow paced. I appreaciated the opening credit with the score of Nicolai and the burning house in the background. 4/5

The german version of Xrated has of course the infamous Dubbing of Mr. Brand on it but it fits to the Sartana Movies. I still don’t know why phrases like “Grüsse aus Solingen” (Greetings from Solingen), “Friedhofsvorstand” (Director of Cemetery) or “Wiedersehen Willi” (Goodbye Willi) should be funny! Ah yes the horse has a name too:Theofilius. :smiley:

That’s why I switched immediately to the english audio.

Yep the english audio is better! :slight_smile:

That probably has a lot to do with the fact that it is the one with the least action in it.
It is my second fav Sartana.
First being LIGHT THE FUSE…

It’s my second favourite Sartana as well. I like is light the fuse as well.
In the latter I definetly like the German dub. I love Sartana’s voice in that one.