I caught a few minutes of this on AMC. It sounded very interesting being set in 1743 or something. The one man magnificent seven aspect really fascinated me.
Well, Cut-Throats Nine is also a Spanish-Italian co -production and it is in the Eurowestern section. The involvement is mostly French and Mexican. French director and such with Mexican locations. Did you get this info from Weisser? If so, do I really need to say anything else.
I’ve always thought of this as a Euro with Bronson just having the one sw ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST in his portfolio.
But i see we have RED SUN is also in this section and i assume CHINO is lurking around here as well, though i haven’t seen the latter.
GUNS FOR SAN SEBASTIAN is always being shown on UK TCM.Quinn is great as the fake priest but with Bronson so-so as the half breed. An engaging western with similarities to MAG 7 though not offering the same thrills. My rating 7/10.
The Magnificent Seven is a stylish movie with a great cast, it’s great to see all these (future) stars together, somehow I even like goold bald Yul in this one, BUT I don’t think it’s a thrilling movie. It’s more or less the ideal western movie for Christmas time.
Guns for San Sebastian is much tougher and more thrilling
Well I thought this was going to be amazing at first with the scenes featuring Anthony Quinn and the priest… but when Charles Bronson arrives it goes downhill a bit I think (though I like the Dam scene), I usually love the guy but he doesn’t seem right in this.
Anthony Quinn is great though …and very nice Morricone score, I got the soundtrack before watching this.
First time widescreen viewing for this one for me. I like the film and good role for Quinn who really gets into his character. Bronson gets killed just like that…! Would have preferred a fight with him and Quinn. End battle was exciting. Very rich score by Morricone. This is a wonderful score which really does rank amongst his best in my view.
They have a DVD of “La Bataille de San Sebastian” so I’ve e-mailed them to ask for specs. According to the website, they are legit with properly sourced copyrights etc.