
I like tacos a lot too :slight_smile:

Most of the time all you see in Westerns is people eating plates of Beans!

[quote=“Silvanito, post:1, topic:227”]Does anyone else have an interest in food?
I love italian and mexican food, real spaghettiwestern-food 8)
And also nice bread, olives, red wine and so on.

A funny thing is also that food is many times highlighted in spaghettis, especially in Leone’s films, I guess it’s typical for an italian ;)[/quote]
I’m interested in food and especially Italian cuisine. There’s an Italian food shop nearby which I visit weekly. I’m hooked on pecorino cheeses, olives and prosciuttos of course. Add some red wine… maybe bread and grapes too, grab a spaghetti western and… oh well. you can’t do much more. :slight_smile:

Speaking of food and spaghetti westerns… one of the best scenes that revolves around eating is definetely in Cemetery without crosses. You can literally touch the atmosphere and then… Well, see for yourself! (I hate spoilers)

Nice, italian food is the best :slight_smile:

Oh, boy ! what a topic ! :stuck_out_tongue:
Personaly, I like cooking. You know, sometimes women don’t like cooking, but I don’t mind. I think I’m the best at cooking pastry. I like it because you can get really messy, spreading flour everywhere :stuck_out_tongue:
I like Indian food because it’s spicy and tasty but I like to try new things too.

About SW, I think food has an important part in the films 'cause it makes the people look even more realistic. They drink, eat (mosta the time disgustingly :-),…You don’t see that in many Hollywood movies.
Sometimes they even eat anything ! things I wouldn’t eat myself ! Remember that scene in Django when General Hugo cuts off the spy’s ear ? (in fact it can be seen on the spy’s head after he is shot ::slight_smile: ).

[quote=“Nobody, post:25, topic:227”]About SW, I think food has an important part in the films 'cause it makes the people look even more realistic. They drink, eat (mosta the time disgustingly :-),…You don’t see that in many Hollywood movies.
Sometimes they even eat anything ! things I wouldn’t eat myself ! Remember that scene in Django when General Hugo cuts off the spy’s ear ? (in fact it can be seen on the spy’s head after he is shot ::slight_smile: ).[/quote]

The really unsympathetic people in spaghettis eat in a disgusting manner, the rich snobs at the beginning of Duck You Sucker, or the evil bountyhunter in Great Silence.
Tuco messily eating I don’t find offensive, for instance.

I think Sergio Leone was something of a gourmand, and food is usually very important to italians. The food in his films is often very colourful also.

There is also an existential aspect to this, food is an important part of life, one of the joys of living too. Leone liked to emphasise this, just as he had all these jokes about death, existential matters again :wink:

About Django, hadn’t thought about this before, but you’re right his ear can be seen when he is falling backwards.
Well Django is a low-budget movie, what can you say?

About Django, hadn't thought about this before, but you're right his ear can be seen when he is falling backwards. Well Django is a low-budget movie, what can you say?

Yes, you’re right. I hadn’t notice myself. I found this while I was looking for the name of the bad guy( couldn’t remember it :-. ) Yes, Django is a low-budget movie and anyway even in big productions (just think about Gladiator) you see goofs like these. I think it’s fun because sometimes you want to see the movie again just to catch those little mistakes. I don’t blame the people who make them. You can’t control everything, it just happens. I’m not talking about anachronisms because I think these can be avoid.

well, it is just seen very briefly and it’s very difficult to spot anyway so it doesn’t really bother me but the cameraman in the saloon fight scene makes me always smile.

Just had an English classic for my dinner.
Sausage and chips :slight_smile:

Anybody else like subs? I could probably live off of them if I had to :wink:

My favorite has to be:

Only Terence Hill can make a simple plate of beans look so appetizing.

Quote from question and answer session on

How many times did you shoot the scene where you eat the huge amount of beans at the beginning of the movie ‘They Call Me Trinity’?
Only once! I didn’t eat anything for 24 hours before shooting that scene so I would be really hungry and able to eat the whole lot, so we could only shoot it one time.

[quote=“me, post:30, topic:227”]Anybody else like subs? I could probably live off of them if I had to :wink:

My favorite has to be:

i hate subway, its always slimy and wet :stuck_out_tongue:


Ate some venison fillet steaks last night. I don’t feel too good. Think I left them hanging to long.

Cian, do you have a habit of getting stomach sickness, you had it last summer too I think :-\

anybody like jalapeno Poppers?

Do they make you sick? :wink:

No! try them if you get a chance.

Ate mexican food on new year. It was fabuloes. Had burritos, enchiladas and Tacos. Still don´t get the difference between burritos and enchiladas, but they were all very delicious and together with tasty beans i couldnt stop to eat it. But i doubt they had that good food at the times of revolution in Mexico.
And watched “good fellas” yesterday, they had some tasty looking food, even in jail. Thinking about starting my mafiosi career, even get good food in jail 8)

Sounds delicious :slight_smile: