Finders Killers / Se t’incontro, t’ammazzo (Gianni Crea, 1971)

Haha, well in my opinion, I’ve seen worse and less entertaining films… but I won’t name them keep controversy out of this. I suppose this one really is one of the trashiest of the trash :smiley:

Don´t think this is the trashiest. Crea has done worse than this one.

Been avoiding this one for some time but the completist in me won out and I finally succumbed.

Who would have thought that 88 minutes could seem so long? I can only echo everything others have said above. Incoherent story, awful dialogue, bad direction, pointless shooting and riding sequences…The horror…the horror…

Well I just finished watching Finders Killers. Like Phil said, I had been putting this one off for quite a while due to its reputation and expecting to just be a total bore/waste of time.

To my surprise, I actually thought it was kind of entertaining and didn’t have a bad time with it. Like everyone has said, there’s basically no story and lots of extended shooting / riding scenes.

I’m not really sure why I liked it to be honest. I guess it was nice to have a spaghetti like this that just moves from one shoot out to the next, starting at the opening scene… could have been much more boring and much worse in my opinion, if it spent more time on comedic elements and bad writing/dialouge like many other spags of this level do.

I mean its no great spaghetti, but I certainly feel I’ve seen much, much worse in the way of dreadful boredum

This one was aggressively stupid and incoherent. At one point it got so bad I thought the incongruity of it all was a conscious attempt at surrealism. If I could give this zero or negative stars, I would.

The idea that Crea has done worse chills me to the bone.

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Wow, this was bad to the bone, really atrocious and very very cheaply made with an inept director who didn’t know his ass from his elbow. Donald O’Brien and Gordon Mitchell must’ve been drinking buddies on the set because most of the scenes they’re in they looked like they had a hangover. To the turkey bin it goes, but I did like the music by Stelvio Cipriani though!

Yea, it’s pretty bad. Several scenes were later re-used in 7 Devils (even worse) and On the Third Day Arrived the Crow (a little better).

Is this Giovanni Sabbatini playing old man Dean , Jack’s dying father?

Excuse me for taking so long to answer Carlos, I hadn’t noticed this post.

Judging from the pic you’ve posted the profile seems different, but Sabbatini plays a very similar role in Alleluja e Sartana figli di… Dio.

OK, thanks Jonathon. The scene is pretty short and PQ is quite bad but he’s probably just a Crea acquaintance.

So much hate for this one. It’s extremely clumsy but I thought it was quite fun. I’ll have to watch more Crea films.

Not a line you hear very often

I just realised I never finished The Crow and Law of Violence. This one was really funny though, so I’m going to give the others a try. I’ve been watching lots of trashy spaghettis lately.

Just watched it again and I still really enjoyed it. It’s a good one to watch with friends or family. Everybody cracks up together. I’ll definitely be giving it another watch soon. Still didn’t watch my other Crea films even though I said I would. Am I really the only one who thinks this film is so enjoyable? It’s in that so bad it’s good category for me. It’s a very simple story, nothing too complicated, lots of silly dialogue, random shooting and fights. Absolutely love the ending and the final lines.

Copied from the Spagvemberfest 2022 thread: