Favourite non-Leone Civil War related SWs

Obviously Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo/The Good, The Bad and The Ugly is unrivalled, but apart from Leone’s masterpiece what are your favorite SWs set during or in the aftermath of the American Civil War - or concerning Confederate gold and such - and why?

Here are 51 titles in chronological order (the broken line represents the release date of Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo):

La strada per Fort Alamo/The Road to Fort Alamo
Gli eroi di Fort Worth/Heroes of Fort Worth
Un dollaro bucato/One Silver Dollar
Il ritorno di Ringo/The Return of Ringo
Gli uomini dal passo pesante/The Tramplers
Per un dollaro di gloria/Mutiny at Fort Sharp
Quattro dollari di vendetta/Four Dollars for Vengeance
3 colpi di Winchester per Ringo/3 Bullets for Ringo
Dinamite Jim
Un fiume di dollari/The Hills Run Red
Per pochi dollari ancora/Fort Yuma Gold

I crudeli/The Hellbenders
Requiescant/Kill And Pray
7 Winchester per un massacro/Seven Winchesters for a Massacre
I giorni della violenza/Days of Violence
El Desperado/The Dirty Outlaws
Per 100.000 dollari t’ammazzo/Vengeance Is Mine
Una Colt in pugno al diavolo/A Colt in the Hand of the Devil
Professionisti per un massacro/Professionals for a Massacre
Quella sporca storia nel West/Johnny Hamlet
I vigliacchi non pregano/Cowards Don’t Pray
Lo voglio morto/I Want Him Dead
Il suo nome gridava vendetta/A Name That Cried Revenge
Il momento di uccidere/The Moment to Kill
… Dai nemici mi guardo io!/Three Silver Dollars
Ad uno ad uno… spietatamente/One by One
Una pistola per cento bare/A Gun for One Hundred Graves
Quel caldo maledetto giorno di fuoco/Gatling Gun
Ammazzali tutti e torna solo/Kill Them All and Come Back Alone
Django il bastardo/The Stranger’s Gundown
Quei disperati che puzzano di sudore e di morte/A Bullet for Sandoval
Il prezzo del potere/The Price of Power
Shango, la pistola infallibile
Saranda/Twenty Paces to Death
L’oro dei bravados/Gold of the Heroes
Il tredicesimo è sempre Giuda/Thirteenth Is a Judas
Abre tu fosa, amigo, llega Sábata…/Sei già cadavere amigo… ti cerca Garringo
Per una bara piena di dollari/Coffin Full of Dollars
Acquasanta Joe/Holy Water Joe
Su le mani cadavere, sei in arresto/Raise Your Hands, Dead Man, You’re Under Arrest
Un uomo chiamato Dakota/A Gunman Called Dakota
Domani passo a salutare la tua vedova… parola di Epidemia/My Horse, My Gun, Your Widow
Lo chiamavano Verità/They Call Him Veritas
Padella calibro 38/Panhandle 38
Una ragione per vivere e una per morire/A Reason To Live, A Reason To Die
Mi chiamavano Requiescat… ma avevano sbagliato/Fast Hand Is Still My Name

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i liked the idea of Garringo - Lee Lawrence hunting down Union soldiers, beginning of the movie is great
but haven´t seen many from this list, but i love this Civil War theme in westerns

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Of the list these are my favorites, of those the titles in bold are special favorites
I don’t say those three are the best, but I love them most

I loved Vengeance Is Mine, some of it’s greatest scenes dealt with the Civil War. Excellent film all-around.

One Silver Dollar is also a civil war film if I’m not mistaken.

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I guess this’d be the favourites in random order

I crudeli/The Hellbenders
Shango, la pistola infallibile
Quei disperati che puzzano di sudore e di morte/A Bullet for Sandoval
Il ritorno di Ringo/The Return of Ringo
Quella sporca storia nel West/Johnny Hamlet
Una pistola per cento bare/A Gun for One Hundred Graves
Un fiume di dollari/The Hills Run Red
Requiescant/Kill And Pray
Ammazzali tutti e torna solo/Kill Them All and Come Back Alone

Those are my favorites too, with the exception of Quella sporca storia nel West/Johnny Hamlet and the addition of five titles:

Lo voglio morto/I Want Him Dead
Quei disperati che puzzano di sudore e di morte/A Bullet for Sandoval
I giorni della violenza/Days of Violence
El Desperado/The Dirty Outlaws
Professionisti per un massacro/Professionals for a Massacre

One Silver Dollar is on the list, Colonel (see scherpschutter’s favorites, reply #2 ) :wink:

Kill and Pray is my favourite. Pretty much like everything about the film and the best Spaghetti role Mark Damon ever did in my view.

Yeah, hes amazing in it… Mark Damon thinks so as well (in the interview on the Wild East DVD)

Ohh must’ve missed that:) But I think another that hasn’t been mentioned yet is Return of Sabata.

Lots of good films. I guess my 5 favorite are:
Return of Ringo
Stranger’s Gundown

I also like:
Days of Violence
Johnny Hamlet
Gun for one Hundred graves
Moment to Kill (Its been a while since I’ve seen this, can somebody remind me what the civil war connection was?)
One Silver Dollar

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Return of Ringo
A Bullet For Sandoval
The Hellbenders
The Tramplers
Fort Yuma Gold

Good thread, Civil war Sw always alcked the historical authenticity the wrong use of weapons (winchesters were only start to be used after the civil war for instance) and Union uniforms from post CW period, and even films like Django or Keoma are related fo the Civil War, I will focus more in those that made while it was happening.

So in no particular order:

A Bullet to Sandoval
Kill Them All and Come Back Alone

Hell I must be forgeting a couple of them, but those will do

Yeah I was pondering that too but decided to include both civil war and post civil war films. Still, is First Blood really a Vietnam war movie?

These are the best of the bunch:

  1. Django
  2. Quei disperati che puzzano di sudore e di morte/A Bullet for Sandoval
  3. Il ritorno di Ringo/The Return of Ringo
  4. El Desperado/The Dirty Outlaws
  5. Django il bastardo/The Stranger’s Gundown
  6. Requiescant/Kill And Pray
  7. Keoma
  8. Quella sporca storia nel West/Johnny Hamlet
  9. Garringo
  10. Il prezzo del potere/The Price of Power
  11. Per pochi dollari ancora/Fort Yuma Gold
  12. Il momento di uccidere/The Moment to Kill

Maybe this one also, but I have to watch the uncut version first:

I vigliacchi non pregano/Cowards Don’t Pray

There is a good chance that Koch will release it next year with their next series of SWs.

Actually, well … scratch, scratch?

George Hilton and Walter Barnes are former Confederate soldiers hired by old friend Warren, now judge, to find a gold reserve ($500,000) hidden by a Confederate colonel.

OK I’ll include È tornato Sabata… hai chiuso un’altra volta/The Return of Sabata, but I’m not sure that in Rafael Romero Marchent’s Garringo there are explicit references to Civil War: can you confirm this?

Return of Sabata is not about the Civil War. The only thing is that Sabata and his amigo were both in the army.

In Garringo PLL kills everybody wearing a blue uniform, but now that you ask I’m not sure if his trauma has anything to do with the civil war.

What strikes me is that there seem to be quite a lot of American Civil War set Spaghetti Westerns or, at any rate, connected to it. Yet, in American cinema, the subject of the Civil War comes up very rarely. Perhaps Chris Casey can shed some light on why this is?

moment to kill
those dirty dogs
payment in blood

[quote=“sartana1968, post:19, topic:2844”]moment to kill
those dirty dogs
payment in blood[/quote]as far as I remember none of these are set during civil war.