A little late: Wild Coyote DVDs – audio options, subtitles
• Alberto De Martino, Centomila dollari per Ringo, 100.000 Dollar für Ringo
English, German; no subtitles
• Antonio Margheriti, Joe l’implacabile, 4 Halleluja für Dynamit Joe
German, Italian; German subtitles for scenes omitted from the German theatrical print
• Julio Buchs, El hombre que mató a Billy el Niño, Sein Steckbrief ist kein Heiligenbild
English, German, Spanish; no subtitles
• Adelchi Bianchi: Buckaroo (il Winchester que non perdona), Buccaroo – Galgenvögel zwitschern nicht
German, Italian; German subtitles for scenes omitted from the German theatrical print
• Alexander Singer, Captain Apache
English, German; English subtitles
I have yet to watch Enzo Peri’s Tre pistole contro Cesare, 3 Pistolen gegen Cesare, Primo Zeglio’s I quattro inesorabili, Die unerbittlichen vier, and José Antonio de la Loma and Edoardo Mulargia’s ¿Por qué seguir matando? / Perché uccidi ancora, Jetzt sprechen die Pistolen. For the latter film three audio options – English, German, Italian – were confirmed by morgan and TucoBene.