Dead Men Ride / Anda muchacho, spara! (Aldo Florio, 1971)

I think the music (and the movie) is fantastic, the main theme is slightly complex and builds up in a beautiful way.


Yes POWERFUL is so very convenient for this SW, and the music by Bruno Nicolai emphasizes that perfectly with its 3 or 4 different all nice themes including the well structured title music.

It is one of rather few SWs that I feel at least slightly emotionally and seriously engaged by the story. There is no comedy at all nor even any lightheartness but definitely not depressing just beautiful overall.

Dead Men Ride/Anda Muchacho Spara will probably remain in my SW Top 10 for ever. Even my wife liked watching the film again this evening.


Yeah it’s been in my top 15 since I first saw it, and like yourself I think it always will be.


I just bought the Koch disc. Cost me a lot but reading many detailed forum comments on this film from you all plus the informative “Staff picks recommendations” page , I am convinced this will be a good film. I like the emotion and gritty violence put into spaghetti westerns so I just had to get this.
About $70 Australian dollars it cost me.
Bit painful cost but I am sure this is the type of spaghetti I enjoy the most.


Quite steep but I’m sure it was money well spent. Let us know what you think of the film.

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For sure. I definitely will or any other
titles worth commenting on with the forums here. I have bought a lot of titles lately and just watch them randomly.

It`s fantastic movie and score is brilliant. If story feels bit confusing re-watch it after couple of days. I did and all those scenes presented in flash backs make perfect sense if you missed something in 1st view like I did.

Paid years ago ~50€ of my koch disc and one of best spaghetti purchases ever.


Pulled this poster off ebay which has clearer detail than the one in the DB


Thanks to @Carlos , this movie’s page in the SWDb has been updated to the new “SWDb 3.0” format .
Please have a look and let us know if there’s something you can add (information, trivia, links, pictures, etc.).

Dead Men Ride now has a poll on the original post at the top of the page. :slightly_smiling_face:

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The very stylish Dead Men Ride/Anda Muchacho Spara (Aldo Florio) still grows for me after having watched it probably at least 10 times in 5 years. Most important Bruno Nicolai’s grandiose music perfectly underlies the serious mood and is so beautiful lin itself. I think it’s of the same caliber as Morricone´s The Ecstasy of Gold.

I love the rather slow but very steady pace which allows for a relatively complex and in this case believable story not only of revenge but also of family drama, tragedy, betrayal etc.
The execution and acting is top SW class, including Eduardo Fajardo’s whose portrayal of his emotionally disturbed character must be his best and most interesting in all his SWs that I have watched (in line with that Mark Damon’s best might be likewise Dracula-like Ferguson in Requiescant).
With a domination of Spanish locations it looks cinematographically fine.

Since about a year ago I have upgraded this SW to a solid 9/10 good for " a sensational" 3rd place on my SW Top list but it is really reflecting the entertainment value I perceive :slight_smile:


Would give my pinky for a good BluRay of this one.


I wouldn’t go betting your pinkies !!!


‘Sod’s law’ determines that it will be announced for pre-Christmas release … but thanks for taking one for the team!

It’s coming soon ain’t it!

Would be amazing

I always want to love the whole movie because the beginning is awesome but I get always annoyed somewhere in the middle where it gets slow. I think it must be also the soundtrack that ruins it for me which is quite paradoxical because there are two amazing tracks that belong to the best in the genre but the rest of the soundtrack is just static and depressing.

“No way, José”


OK… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I respect your opinion, amigo. :cowboy_hat_face:

I admit I am very picky about music. It is interesting how music alone can alter your experience. To me the soundtrack sounds like Nicolai spent the most of his time on the amazing title track and the track where Calvo is tortured which is the other track I love. Years ago I actually made a guitar tab for the guitar motive playing over arrival of Fajardo in the village. It was on powertabs,net before they banned the site.:angry: There are few more nice tracks but the most of the soundtrack sounds to me just depressing and rehashed. :sob: