Cut-Throats Nine / Condenados a vivir (Joaquín Luis Romero Marchent, 1971)

There’s a new poll for this controversial one at the top of the page for you all to let your feelings be known on it. :ok_hand: :grinning:


This is one hell of a good film. I watched it on Tubi, but the quality was awful. I may get around to buying the Japanese blu-ray someday, but I’m hoping some distributor will make it more easily available someday.

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There are German Blu Rays available. Have a look on the database page linked up top, should be under blu ray section.

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That would be fine too. It seems like whenever I throw down extra cash for an import, another distributor finally makes something available cheap in the US, so I try to hold out. Lots of good distributors coming through with cool films recently. But if I accumulate enough European releases on my wish list, I’ll place a big order eventually.

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Plus it’s nice to have the English subtitles on local releases, so that’s another reason why I don’t go German and Japanese unless I have to.

to the spanish speakers: does it claim Netflix did its own restoration as part of its effort to meet the 15% quota?

It does sound pretty speculative. “Hopefully” and “could be”.

But it’s obviously less expensive to restore an old film than to produce a new one. Cheaper to meet the quota that way. Netflix recently announced they’d return their focus for their own productions more on quality than quantity, anyway.

Edit: and the message is two years old?

I dont know about any upcoming home video releases of this, but the version I watched on TUBI was cleaned up and much better than the early 2000s version I watched. That one was this crappy pan and scan VHS quality copy I watched since I was desperate. Hopefully theyll release it in a nice Arrow Video type version! Its def one of my faves now.

How is the quality of the German blu rays? Are they identical to the Code Red release? I really want to watch this film, but the US release costs way more than I would like to pay for it.

I assume it’s all the same (only) master. Quality is totally fine I think, but wouldn’t recommend you pay more than a few bucks considering the “label” that puts them out

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Thank you for the answer. What´s wrong with the label?

Eh, just their general repute, practices and shadiness… the quality of this particular release is OK. They’re also to thank for getting it unbanned here in Germany but I’m no expert in their dealings. I know of people who’ll go out of their way to avoid them

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