Cultcine DVDR's

I have a DVD player that converts PAL, but majority of people in North America probalby don’t.

I’ve said this before but, well… as a SW (or any other international cinema) fan, it makes no sense not to have a multi-region dvd player, and all of those do pal-ntsc conversion even if your tv can’d handle pal. and those usually cost no more than 40 bucks or so… hardly an excuse :slight_smile: I think

You can’t even tell the difference between NTSC and PAL on an HDTV (or so I’ve heard) is this true?

On my HD TV it’s not visible

not sure if I understand the question, but a) on most flat screen tvs you’ll see a difference in whether the signal was broadcast alalog or digital and b) NTSC is lower quality than PAL, so theoretically, it should also look worse on an HD-capable TV…

Movements look different on NTSC DVDs.

My DVD can play PALbut most often the imageis a little shacky (not a big problem), wityh a green bar across the top.

Butn Naushads Night of the Serpent (PAL) plays fine on my DVD player. Maybe itwasn’t PAL to begon with? Thought I’ve seen stuff likethat before.

I meant that the difference in quality isn’t noticeable or so I’ve heard, like how PAL plays faster than NTSC.

I think watching analog tv in the US and comparing it to how it looks in europe, you can see the difference somehow, but thankfully most countries are making the transition to digital, which greatly improves picture quality. which is still ways to go until Full HD, but still

so how does this one compare to the new french disc then

Both discs are Progressive Scan and Anamorphic.
Wildside Disc has extras, ours is barebones.
Wildside is just a bit sharper.

French Disc

Cultcine Disc

I had the impression first that for the French disc the same source was used as for the Italian Colt Collection disc, which is a bit soft and dark, but I read on a French site or forum (don’t remember which one) that this is not the case. I’ll make a screenshot of the Italian disc later today.

Italian disc:


Here are two more screenshots; the image is anamorphic, I removed the black bars.
The disc has only Italian audio (2.0 + 5.1) and has Italian subs HOH


Anybody know when the Koch Media disc of THE MERCENARY will be released?

It should have been out already I think

Don’t know why it’s taking so long

And when it finally arrives maybe it’s a bit of a let down like the Navajo Joe DVD?

And speaking of Navajo Joe…

Scherp you had the French release of Navajo Joe, was the picture quality good even if it was a little soft looking?

Were the night scenes dark enough like they should be?

Was the intro with the yelling and music correct?

I can’t be sure about the French disc, so Scherp can confirm it, but I’m quite certain it is basically exactly like the US, UK and Koch discs (except Koch fixed the audio at the beginning… and the UK disc is cut :stuck_out_tongue: ). I would think they all got the exact same print from whoever owns the rights. Although I guess they may have made some filtering on their own as far as sharpness or grain or something goes.

I also wouldn’t be surprised if the Koch disc of Mercenary will be almost identical to the French one as far as the image goes, and maybe the film will also be released in the UK and USA as well someday (or not… :stuck_out_tongue: ).

[quote=“Sundance, post:57, topic:1678”]I can’t be sure about the French disc, so Scherp can confirm it, but I’m quite certain it is basically exactly like the US, UK and Koch discs (except Koch fixed the audio at the beginning… and the UK disc is cut :stuck_out_tongue: ). I would think they all got the exact same print from whoever owns the rights. Although I guess they may have made some filtering on their own as far as sharpness or grain or something goes.

I also wouldn’t be surprised if the Koch disc of Mercenary will be almost identical to the French one as far as the image goes, and maybe the film will also be released in the UK and USA as well someday (or not… :stuck_out_tongue: ).[/quote]

The French Navajo Joe probably used the same source as the Koch media disc, but it seems filtered a bit more. Therefore it looks softer, but the color scheme is a slightly different, so it looks a bit darker too. I found it a bit more pleasant to watch than teh Koch disc (which was a dissapointent to me)

I saw screenshots of the French Mercenary disc, it looks as if it’s comparable to the Navajo Joe disc or the O’Cangaceiro disc: a bit soft, but otherwise very pleasant to watch. I’ll wait for the Koch disc this time, and will then decide which one I’ll buy.

i’m curious to know what exactly you mean when you say your discs are Remastered… because you give the impression that your company is remastering films from the original negative and it seems to me all you are doing is finding releases from other countries and converting them to NTSC, stripping the menu and extras off the disc, and then selling it as your own product

and I think the below sections out of your “About Us” make it pretty clear you’re not doing any real remastering as you’ve never even obtained the rights to release the films…

1# Is Cultcine an illegal pirate operation? The section of American copyright law known as “The Berne Act” clearly states: films unreleased in the United States, including original version of films altered and/or edited for release in the United States, are not protected by American copyright; thus, they are considered public domain. The entire purpose of our company is to provide (otherwise unavailable) films to the serious video collector. We do not offer videos owned by American releasing companies. If a film should become available domestically, we immediately stop offering it to our clients.

5# Do all DVD-Rs come in standard DVD cases?
All of our catalog comes with no DVD cases or cover art, that’s what
makes shipping so cheap.
We do have some DVD covers available for printing, you can download them
and print them yourself here.

BTW your copyright info is incorrect, what you’re doing is not legal and you’re misinterpreting The Berne Act…

i say if you’re going to buy a disc, buy the original release that deserves it- ie Koch, Wildside, XRated, etc

besides, your prices are awfully high for a bootleg copy of a disc with no label and no case/cover art… plus the video quality goes down in the PAL → NTSC conversion… for the price of your discs, I could buy the originals and have all the extras, cool menus, best quality and all the disc/case artwork…


By the way Cultcine are you watermarking all your releases or just some of them? I came across this in the Sonny and Jed thread:

If you’re tampering with prints and watermarking is exactly that then no way would I buy anything like that. I don’t think that directors of these movies intended to have Cultcine plastered all over the credit sequences.