Colt in the Hand of the Devil / Una colt in pugno al diavolo (Sergio Bergonzelli, 1967)

A SPW with a plot different than any revenge plot. I read about it in Weisserā€™s book. The databse synopsis is similar to Weisserā€™s. WEISSER RIGHT FOR ONCE??? Anyway, I havenā€™t seen it and wondered how you felt about it.

Database page: Colt, in pugno al diavolo, Una - The Spaghetti Western Database

Itā€™s a pretty good one, not a must-see film but above average and recommended. I liked the different kind of hero in this one and George Wang is nice villain.

Simpleā€™s dvd release is good quality with english audio.

I wouldnā€™t say above average but solid B-Western materialā€¦ for buffs and collectors only. Plot is alright, the women are beautiful and a few nice gunfights are presented. The score is really interestingā€¦

Iā€™ve enjoyed this one a lot, itā€™s somewhat atypical in many ways and the music is indeed very interesting. Lead ā€œBob Henry (III)ā€ has no other screen credits

and I am wondering if ā€œBob Henryā€ may in fact be stuntman/actor Robert ā€œBuzzā€ Henry

The age seems about right, 36 or 37 in 1967, and while Buzz has no Italo Western credits he certainly did enough movie & TV westerns in North America prior to 1967 to have been comfortable in the saddle. Killed in a motorcycle accident in 1971 at the age of 40. It says Buzz stunt doubled for Glenn Ford whom ā€œBobā€ does bear a resemblance to with the sharply parted receding hair and that pointy nose. Buzz is credited with a bit role in EL DORADO and Iā€™ll try to watch it this weekend to see if I can recognize him.

Does anyone have any information on ā€œBob Henry (III)ā€?

Just watched this one and enjoyed it despite some awful inconsistancies Since when did the 7th Cavalry wear grey for instance? Thereā€™s also a glaring continuity error when El Condor gets his cigar shot alight and he switches between having a jacket and not having a jacket between shots :smiley: Yet somehow I found myself not caring in the slightest and just enjoying the ride.

In answer to some of the previous posts above, Weisser certainly does not get his synopsis right on this one. Thereā€™s a surprise! He states the bandit leader is called Munez and is played by Gerardo Rossi (should be El Condor played by George Wang) and that this villain has his captives work a sulphur mine. Moreover, he ā€˜informsā€™ us that the bandit winds up getting amnesty and riding off with the hero. What drugs was this man on?

As far as the identity of Bob Henry goes, that is a mystery to me too. Giusti says he is english but I canā€™t find any other reference to him anywhere so I think Squonkā€™s theory of him being Bob ā€˜Buzzā€™ Henry is a real possibility. I have Tony Rome on my shelf, which Buzz Henry was apparently in, so Iā€™ll flick through it and see if I can spot him.

Checked Tony Rome plus a couple of pics on the net and our Bob Henry and Buzz are not the same guy. The mystery continues.

I enjoyed this one as well. It was a guy at You Tube who said Bob Henry is his father. Donā€™t know if he is, but maybe we could ask him?

Liked this one aswell. Henry keeps you interested in the film. Viewed a VHS version, but have since obtained a dvd of the film which I have not viewed yet.

Anybody have any questions they would like ā€œBob Henryā€ possibly answering, regarding this movie for example? :wink:

Seems I may have made contact with himā€¦ well actually, he contacted me.

[size=3pt](or it is one of the best researched hoaxes ever)[/size]

Cool !

What are his thoughts / memories of the film ?

Does he own the film on dvd ?

A couple of years ago he checked in at the Spaghetti Western Web Board (John Nudgeā€™s forum).
Glad to know he is doing well.
He is involved in politics, or something, nowadays, isnā€™t he?
Tell him HOWDY for us!

What does he think of the film and how was the working with George Wang and the other actors and actresses?

As mentioned real nice and interesting score. George Wang reminds me of a villain from a cartoon. Bob Henry keeps me watching in this as pretty laid back with a touch of sarcasm at times. Simple release is nice quality.

Yes. I agree with you.
The quality of the Simple Movie DVD is very good. Perhaps the best release of the label.

Anybody know where the Simple Movie DVD can be ordered nowadays ? Can not find it on either or

Cine City

See under: Spaghetti westerns, Pronto Amigo

Thanks Scherpschutter

Bedankt, nu weet je me ongeveer te lokaliseren :smiley:

Deze shop is ook goed:

Ah, Bob Henry. I never got an answer to the questions I sent him, maybe I scared him away or something. :frowning:

When he contacted me he told that he was born in the USA, where he lives now, but at some point he used to live in England (which is perhaps why Guisti says he was English?) and he had released several music records in both USA and UK (with under a different name in each country, pseudonym in the USA and real name, which is not Bob Henry, in the UK). He also said he directed two movies, both of which were never released because of some lawsuit thingā€¦ Canā€™t remember the names right now but I did a search on them last year and actually found some old pre-release magazine ads for both of them (the movies arenā€™t listed at the IMDB) with his name listed as a director. One had Stanley Cortez as a cinematographer.
Also mentioned having acted on some episodes of Gunsmoke, Cheyenne and others.

Thats pretty much what I can remember right now, but there wasnā€™t much more Iā€™m sure.

Great, another one for the bookmarks. Although iā€™ve been a lingering SW fan for years, i only very recently started to have a more deep interest into the subject. Westerns in general have always interested me, but what SW concersn i kinda got stuck to the dollars trilogy and OUATITW. There was some Hill/Spencer TV showings thrown in for good measure during my youth but it basically stopped there.

High time to start exploring a lot more. This week i saw The Great Silence for the first time :-[ ā€¦ iā€™m now hooked for sure :wink: