Chrysanthemums for a Bunch of Swine / Crisantemi per un branco di carogne (Sergio Pastore, 1967)

This is probably why the movie never came to an international audience. The title was simply untranslateable.

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Ok - another tack
 looking at your cards and attempting to read (too) much into them

Maybe she’s representative of the ‘chrysathemum’ for the ‘swine’?

After all, she does have some nice petals down there

Jeez - I’m jus’ trying to help us get a storyline together for Brother Caress’s film project ;D

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Well spotted.

Would love to pluck her petals

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Cesar Ojinaga as Hutton and Angelo Casadei as bartender
 Where do they come from? Maybe someone found a copy?

Still no answer, I’m beginning to suspect the unthinkable. Lost or hidden? :wink:

A couple of interesting short articles from newspapers of the period are reproduced below.

23 August 1967
Il cantautore Umberto Bindi debutta come attore cinematografico. Egli, infatti, Ăš stato scritturato per sostenere un ruolo nel film western Crisantemi per un branco di carogne di Serge Vidal (Sergio Pastore), attualmente in lavorazione negli studi Elios.

9 February 1968
Anche l’«Otello» di William Shakespeare sta per divenire un personaggio del West. Da pochi giorni, in Spagna, sono cominciate le riprese del film ispirato all’«Amleto»: ora giunge notizia di questa prossima trasposizione western della tragedia del grande scrittore inglese. Come Amleto, anche Otello indosserĂ  i blue jeans, impugnerĂ  una rivoltella di grosso calibro, monterĂ  un bellissimo cavallo bianco. Otello, perĂČ, non sarĂ  ‘‘moro’’, ma messicano. Per il resto, assicurano gli autori del film, il testo scespiriano sarĂ  rispettato alla perfezione. Regista di questo «Otello» sarĂ  Sergio Pastore, alla sua terza esperienza western dopo i film Omicidio a sangue freddo e Crisantemi per un branco di carogne.

The western inspired by Othello exists only on paper, but the 2nd article refers also to a completed movie preceding Chrysanthemums called Omicidio a sangue freddo, a title I’ve never heard before! :thinking:


Conspiracy of silence! :grin:

I bet someone is hoarding a copy of this.

@sabata1 is offering a thousand silver dollars for this in the collection topic :slight_smile:


And more. Really.


Now there are no more doubts, things are as I suspected! See Reply#19 here

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According to the Cultural significance and symbolism section on Wikipedia already mentioned above, this is also common in the New Orleans area (From the link at the page bottom: ‘‘All Saints Day, a day traditionally set aside in New Orleans to honor the deceased family members. Tombs are cleaned weeks before and flowers, particularly huge chrysanthemums fill the vases on the tombs’’).

It’s interesting how there is a soundtrack CD release for this film but no known prints.

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No known prints and about ten ratings (mainly of sign negative, but this is not surprising) on IMDb

Have any of you seen the movie? Confess and clear your conscience! :smile:


Don’t tell me there is a print from a storage unit in Venezuela.

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This film’s page in the database has been updated to the new layout. Please contribute to it.

Hello. Look at
Available on dvd with english subs or as download with srt file. If it’s legal???

The Soundtrack is available on

And the listing says “This listing can be for a soundtrack” which is probably what it is. So a burned copy of the officially released soundtrack. Very much not legal :slight_smile:

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I will try and tell You about the result.

I wonder where they got a copy from, if this film wasn’t released or shown anywhere since its apparently limited theatrical run?