Chrysanthemums for a Bunch of Swine / Crisantemi per un branco di carogne (Sergio Pastore, 1967)

Database page: Crisantemi per un branco di carogne - The Spaghetti Western Database

This must be a pretty rare SW, if not the rarest. It seems it wasn’t release in Germany, France and Spain. And the English version is not available.

It was made by a director who made only a dozen films, and a few gialli amongst them. And at least this film seems to be interesting.

Anybody here who ever has seen it in whatever format?

Any news about a version in whatever language?

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This is no. 1 on my want list. Most likely the most rarest one, Vamos A Matar Sartana and Porno Erotico Western are also very rare but I’ve heard about people who have 'em. But, on the other hand, Iremember reading a post in the SWWB about a guy uploading it at rapidshare - sadly it doesn’t seem to be there anymore, but Edmund Purdom himself posted in the thread and asked for a copy! Also, I remember seeing an eBay auction with a guy selling the poster. Did not buy it tho.

EDIT: And also, seeing a Western from Sergio Pastore would be interesting. Have seen one of his Gialli.

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Never come across this one.

Even my dear doesn’t know anything about any releases. That’s hard!

Certainly the spaghetti with the coolest title. And no one has it.

Silence, I find that story about a rapidshare upload a bit hard to believe… Especially the part about Edmund Purdom himself asking for a copy :slight_smile:

It was probably some guy pretending to be Pordum, but at least Edward Purdom is what he called himself. That rapidshare thing could also be fake of course, but I hope not, because if it isn’t it means at least someone has it!

It seems there was never an English release of this one. I erased the English title and wrote a short database comment about nothing:

“Chrysanthemums for a Bunch of Swine would be the English title for this extremely rare western if translated properly. According to Tom Betts it was never released in any English version, and the title listed on IMDB, which was also listed in our database, seems to be not much more than another wishful thinking “invention” of our good ole’ friend Tom Weisser. Apparently at that time there wasn’t any other release in whatever form since its original theatrical run, which probably was already a very short one. But the synopsis sounds promising.”

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I’d say SwineS, so plural. The Italian ‘carogne’ (sing. carogna) is plural too.

Nice title, never seen the film.

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Swine is one of those animal words in English that is both singular and plural. Sheep, deer, fish etc.

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Didn’t know that. Very fishy.

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At least the soundtrack is available. Does anyone have it?

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A different German title for Chrysanthemums? ???


I’m sure this title is wrong.
According to my informations it wasn’t released in Germany. A similar German title exists for Take a Hard Ride. Only that the Dollars are used for that in the plural.

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The documentation is lacking, but giving due attention to posters and lobby cards I was able to integrate the cast with four new actors (Dino Strano [this time credited as Dean Strano, together with Lorenzon in the image below], Tony Bland, Roman Magnino and Sergio Serghey) and especially to establish with certainty that the film was released in 1967 and not in 68 as it was believed.

The vocals give some additional information about the plot; so we learn that the stinkers are seven and led by a Mexican. The protagonist, a doctor and a monk join the bunch of swine gradually. In one scene the sheriff ends up buried up to his neck as Garko in $10,000 Blood Money or John Phillip Law in Death Rides a Horse, and there is a very unusual and bizarre narrative element that seems to be of some importance, the disappearance of the gang leader’s hand-held fan!

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Finally, a few images!



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Some more…



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We only need to see the film now :smiley:

[quote=“JonathanCorbett, post:16, topic:2298”][/url]

This character looks interesting! 8)

3 out of the 8 images include a barroom brawl - hopefully, should it ever emerge, that won’t be representative of the film’s content… :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

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Lovely pastel colors. :slight_smile:

Amazing! Where did you find them?