Charlton Heston has passed away aged 84. Cause of death has not been released yet but he had suffered from a form of Alzheimers for the past few years.
Unfortunately, Heston has made more headlines in recent years for his right wing politics than for his acting and although he probably wasn’t a character I would have neccesarily wanted around for dinner his body of film work was genuinely impressive. Over the next few days we will probably be swamped with mention of his epics like The Ten Commandments and Ben Hur but he was involved in many more and far better pictures than these over a very long and distinguished career.
Personal favourites of mine which featured Heston at his best were Touch of Evil, Soylent Green, Planet of the Apes, Khartoum and The Agony and the Ecstasy. But he also made some very good westerns including Will Penny, Major Dundee, The Big Country, Three Violent People and The Mountain Men.
Despite my diametrical position with the politics of Charlton Heston the man, I will always consider myself a fan of Charlton Heston the actor and am sad to hear of his passing.