[Blu-ray] Latest and Upcoming Releases 📀

so there are 4K editions of the Dollars movies coming, just haven’t figured out where. I am pretty sure there will be some in Japan, but that’s now why I am writing this. Two people independently have mentioned to me that they’ve been hired to do extras for them. Now, I am thinking where you’d find companies going to these ends… could only be UK or Germany, maybe France or Australia? I’ll keep y’all posted. But they’re coming, that’s a fact


Newer transfers would be intriguing :thinking:

Sartana Kills Them All coming in Germany (April 19)


Yes! More Gianni Garko goodness! You’ve added to my Birthday enjoyment @Admin Seb :smile:

some more calendar changes coming in, but the day/week ain’t over till it is over. I hope to post again later tonight.

Spanish OUATITW 4k added to DB. Will add some more info later. Amazon has the back cover which gives more reliable info regarding audio tracks etc and also hints at Japanese release @Alleluja as it has Japanese audio (but not French btw)

Edit: on Amazon UK the back cover is also up comfirming the specs (no nordics subtitles, btw)

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French Lanky BluRay starts pre-order tomorrow :slight_smile:
Edit: will likely be out End of May

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Wow, I didn’t know that. Thank you for letting me know this good information. It also has Japanese subtitles.

As of now, there are no rumors that “OUATITW” will be released in 4K in Japan.

There is still time until May, Paramount may announce a few more. Also waiting for info in what will happen for the Norris, as none of these announced have DK/SE/NOR subs…

Lanky Fellow is up for pre-order.


More Craig Hill on Blu Ray, he deserves more love on Home Media.


Moved the catalog into June
Rumor mill is drying up a bit, but I believe this year will still bring plenty more stuff, and it’s already impressive

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Some good stuff to look forward too. Excited for OUTIW 4K and Death Sentence will hopefully both be good, but also hoping the bluray for Django Strikes Again is at least half decent.

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Talk Whatever

According to SWDb numbers, barely half the Savage Guns boxes ordered from UK Amazon ever shipped. That’s crazy, and also unfortunate, as the SWDb earns a small commission on these

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That’s crazy!!! How is that even possible it has been months. Are people still waiting for them to ship because I would have canceled by order months ago and ordered from somewhere else. Yes that is unfortunate about the commission this site gets though!

People probably did just cancel them meaning they never shipped from Amazon.

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Maybe, but I don’t think it completely adds up. Oh well, thanks for nothing Amazon…

Amazon shipped my order. It was end of January though about a month late. I stayed with them as I had some vouchers.


I hope it’s time for more Django.