[Blu-ray] Latest and Upcoming Releases šŸ“€

Toscano wanted to know the connection.

Ah right I didnā€™t read the full thread haha, my bad. Well Iā€™m very excited to see what news tommorow brings :slight_smile:

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Hereā€™s my guess

Vengeance is Mine
$10 000 Blood Money
Any Gun Can Play


If we were playing the old mastermind game @ElDavido I would give you 3 pegs out of 4



OK I give up on this.
Just heard that the Arrow box announcement has just been pushed back another week.
I can only apologise for teasing this up only to have it delayed again.


Shucks ;_;

Itā€™s not your fault, amigo. Many thanks for the update. :cowboy_hat_face:


Not to worry. Theyā€™ve probably found a pristine print of El Puro and decided to swap Matalo for it last minute :slightly_smiling_face:


If only, Deanā€¦ā€˜El Puroā€™ would be a dream come true. :cowboy_hat_face:

If anyone is planning on getting the new Belle Starr release by Raro, could you please let us know what its like and if it is indeed region A locked or not? Cheers.

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Consolation price



Well thatā€™s put a downer on my day :joy: No worries though, itā€™s been fun trying to deduce everything based on your hints.

Been thinking, and Iā€™m probably wrong because itā€™s clutching at straws, but is it possible that the other film with the John Ford connection is A Minute to Pray, A Second to Die? I donā€™t think Cord was ever in a John Ford film, but am I right in thinking he started in a Stagecoach remake? I suppose thatā€™s kind of a connection.

I was thinking of some John Ireland western. Thereā€™s quite a few of them.


Good call, I had forgotten about him.

Forgot about him as well. Well we know itā€™s not Run Man, Runā€¦itā€™d be awesome if it was a Taste of Death. Itā€™s quite dark so it would fit in well with $10000ā€¦ and Vengeane is Mine.

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Yeah, that would fit in well with the others, youā€™re right.

Hey I will take Gunfight at Red Sands while we wait for the Arrow announcement!

Interestingly, one of my local channels had this one on last Saturday and I was absolutely amazed by the quality of the printā€¦much better than the DVD I own.

How is the film in your eyes? I always read(probably on here) that it is the best pre-Leone SW.