Blood at Sundown / 1000 dollari sul nero (Alberto Cardone, 1966)

thanks, done

I just watched Blood at Sundown for the first time yesterday. I didn’t recognize Gianni Garko at first, because he didn’t have facial hair and wasn’t wearing black. It was fun to watch Garko play a villain. The Aztec/Mayan ruins as the hideout for Sartana’s gang was a notable touch to the overall scenery of the film. I found the dynamics of some of the characters annoying. The over-protectiveness of Jerry’s sister towards Jerry was frustrating after witnessing him take the pistol off one of Sartana’s men and shoot a couple of them off of a roof with perfect aim, and blow several others up with explosives in previous scenes. The shop owner making the snarky comments got on my nerves when he was mocking Jerry’s mutism. As always, Steffens was great as Steffens. I really like the theme song at the beginning of the movie. I think it’s one of the better scores in the genre. Overall, It was an enjoyable watch.


Finally cracked open my Wild East copy of this film. It is a winner! Among the best of the ‘B’ films in my book. Now I need to compare the WE version to my Koch print…


A very very strange movie. A lot of non- realist scenes including Jerry and Johnny shooting at bad guys from completely different positions from shot to shot, endless bloodless fist fights, that Astec fort with the unrealistic matte and a very jumpy narrative. The English dubbing is awful and a lot of the dialogue is really odd and often deliberately bad. It’s too long and there isn’t a proper story were my main gripes because Steffen just kept finding excuses not to kill his brother. Some of the characters such as Manuela didn’t look old enough to be adults 12 years ago when Steffen was imprisoned.

A couple of posters from some years backed queried the UK BBFC cut to the UK video release. This was for a cruel horsefall when Steffen brings down two horses in an alleyway in the Wishville sequence at about 35m.

One of the towns still has the Blackstone Hill sign from Arizona Colt (shot a few months earlier).

Why deliberate ?

Well for example, when Steffen rescues Blanc from 4 men trying to kill her the exchange is this:

AS - What’s this all about?
EB - oh it’s nothing, nothing at all. I guess I owe you my life and I don’t like that kind of a debt

That’s got to be some kind of spoof dialogue.

I’d have to see the scene again to judge the context, but it doesn’t seem all that odd to me … and certainly not funny enough to be considered a spoof.