Best Spaghetti Comedy Team

Same here. Maybe a year ago, I really did not like comedies at all, and would readily voice my low opinions of them… but now, I can enjoy them at least some of the time… I cant imagine what I would of had to say about “Invincible” if I had watched it this time last year

Its funny how taste evolves like that… or maybe I should say, de-evolves?

You know, I never really had a problem with them. They are not funny (save for Providence) but they are fun. Especially Ben and Charlie. It has more action than most other comedy spaghettis. And even if the action only consists of fistfights and trick shooting, it is still a lot of fun. The same goes for Nobody. Quite a lot of action really. It is because of the lack of action (and plot) that I’m not a fan of Carambola. But I still want to see Carambola 2.

I don’t like that slapstick stuff either, but the Italians seem(ed) to be into that like hell…

Sure is. I like the variety in the genre. Sometimes in the mood to view a pre- Leone style one, then a comedy one and then maybe a favourite of mine.