Arizona Colt (Michele Lupo, 1966)

There’s a new poll up for Arizona Colt at the top of the page!

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The copy submitted to the board of censors (3189 meters) included a scene in which a man is strangled by a wagon wheel: in all probability this happened before the change of shot at 1:38:09. :thinking:


One of the last Wild East blu-rays. I would have kept buying from them forever. Such a bummer.


Same. Does anyone actually know why they closed?

There’s a topic for that :wink:

I decided to revisit Arizona Colt since the last time I watched it must have been 2015… time really does fly! I think it’s one of the better examples of the genre. I forgot how violent Fernando Sancho’s character is! Arizona himself is an unusual hero. He cheats, he demands the woman as payment for the bounty and yet he has a deceptively angelic appearance (as the pastor points out). All of the elements work very well. It might look like a routine spaghetti western for some viewers but I think it’s different enough to make it stand out. What a great soundtrack, too!


I think its one of the clear classics.


Yes, I agree. Outside of the big Leone hitters and Corbucci’s top stuff, this is one of the big Spags I recommend everyone to watch.


The soundtrack to ‘Arizona Colt’ is, without doubt, one of Francesco de Masi’s best…

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The entire soundtrack can be found on Youtube.

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Great stuff. Lives up to the nickname ‘Ringo 3’. The theme is fun to play on guitar also.

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The story of Arizona Colt is here just the engine for the colourful characters that are amazingly casted.

You have Gemma as “trolling” Arizona, stunning Corinne Marchand as stunning Jane :cupid:, Camardiel as probably the most loveable and always drunk sidekick in SW history called Whiskey and a classical duo of playful baddies portrayed by Sancho and Pazzafini.

All nicely shot and with beautiful cheesy score. 5/5