Arizona Colt (Michele Lupo, 1966)

HELP! does anyone know where i can get hold of the wild east dvd under the title “Man from nowhere” as it is deleted and is the only old wild east dvd i need for the set.

I’ve been looking on ebay but having no luck!

For more info visit:
Database page: Arizona Colt - The Spaghetti Western Database

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Xploited cinema seems to have it still listed as “in stock”.

Yeah, it is still available from xploited cinema…i just recieved a copy in the post from there yesterday!

thanks for the info :slight_smile:

Only just realised that this Gemma classic didn’t have it’s own discussion thread here and thought I should rectify that immediately.

One of Gemma’s best in my opinion, in the same category as Day of Anger and the Ringo films. It has that great balance of action, violence, irony and romance that only Gemma’s films seemed to be able to pull off quite this well. If you’ve never seen it the cast list of Gemma, Fernando Sancho, Rosalba Neri, Roberto Camardiel, Nello Pazzafini, Jose Manuel Martin and Andrea Bosic should tell you all you need to know. An absolute joy.

A review is coming very soon
Actually, I already wrote a first version, but want to watch it once again before writing the final one

Sometimes called, for fun, Ringo III
And yes, there is some resemblance to A Pistol for Ringo, but this one is darker and far more violent

(Actually, the film had a thread, it’s on page four, but there’s only some talk about the availability of the WE disc)

I have to admit, I’m not so fond of this one.

It’s an entertaining one, of course, but there is also a certain simplicity combined with the so typical tidy look of decors and costumes of the early SWs, that’s not exactly due to my taste.

And the action scenes are also not that great, with shitty fistfights and the long dull sequence with Sancho and his henchman raiding the town.

Not on par with the superior Ringo films and The Long Days of Vengeance, which are easily the best of the eight Gemma SWs made in quick succession in 65 and 66.

But there is this priceless scene where a heron (or something similar) stands in for a vulture!

Ha ha. Yes, it’s a Stork I think. Or something similar. :smiley: Either way, it would struggle to pick much off a corpse with that whopping great beak.

And here she is … (I had her posted on the ‘Continuity’ thread) …

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Apart from the stork…I think ARIZONA COLT is a top-notch Spaghetti Western and Top 20 material, in my opinion.
I like almost as much as I do RETURN OF RINGO (almost!) and I definitely like it as much, if not more than, THE LONG DAYS OF VENGEANCE, PISTOL FOR RINGO, and DAY OF ANGER.

Need to give that one a re-watch before posting an opinion. Don’t remember too much about it.

I know the feeling :).

1966 – Aka: The Man from Nowhere – Dir: Michele Lupo – Cast: Giuliano Gemma, Corinne Marchand, Fernando Sancho, Roberto Camardiel, Andrea Bosic, Nello Pazzafini, Andrea Bosic, Rosalba Neri – Music: Francesco de Masi

The villain Gordo Watch wants to rob the bank of Blackstone Hill, but attacks the state prison first because he wants to draft new gang members. The prisoners are branded with the S of Scorpio to bring them to obedience. But one of the prisoners is the famous gunmen Arizona Colt, who refuses to join the gang. When one of Gordo’s men kills the daughter of a saloon owner, her father hires Arizona Colt to track him down. He manages to eliminate the murderer in a fight, but is severely wounded afterwards and left for dead. One of Gordo’s men, Whiskey, saves his life and the two men hide in a recluse church. Gordo is outraged because Whiskey has also stolen the money from the bank robbery, and holds the entire town in hostage. Eventually Arizona Colt and Whiskey ride into town to face the bandits …

Clearly modelled after No Name from Leone’s A Fistful of Dollars (1964) and Ringo from Tessari’s A Pistol for Ringo (1965), Arizona Colt, the character, is as lethal as No Name and as clean-shaven as Ringo. One of the nicest inside jokes of the movie is Giuliano Gemma ordering a glass of milk, like Ringo would do, but quickly changing to beer when the man standing next to him makes a remark. But while Ringo from was a sympathetic rascal, Arizona Colt is a mean, lean bastard. His motto, in Italian, is “Ci devo pensare’ (I‘ll have to think about that). He has to think about nearly everything and comes up with some bizarre answers: When he’s asked by the saloon owner to bring in the murderer of his youngest daughter (Neri), he asks not only money in return, but also a night with the man’s other daughter (Marchand)! In another, particularly uneasy scene, he seems totally unmoved when the bank is robbed and numerous people are massacred. But his character is slightly redeemed in the final part of the movie, when he complies with Marchand’s request to help the town of Blackstone Hill, terrorized by Sancho’s gang. In the final reels, just before riding off, he even seems to show some real affection for her, in an almost touching scene, completely contrary to the tone of the rest of the movie.

With most victims shot when unarmed and defenceless, it is a very violent film, with at least one gruesome scene in which Gemma is shot in both arms and legs. On the other hand some scenes tend towards comedy, or even parody. Gemma’s obsession with clothes and hygiene is clearly a burlesque reference to No Name’s indifference in those departments, and when his side-kick Whiskey orders a double whiskey, he demands two bottles; this guy can also literally smell money, like the infamous Mr. Mooney in The Lucy Show. The main characters all have names of a slightly goofy nature: Gemma is from Arizona and uses a Colt, Sancho is called Gordo (= fat) and has a watch he’s very fond of, and Whisky, well, he doesn’t drink milk. Finally there is a sequence including singing cowboys that is so downright silly you’ll be flabbergasted.

Sometimes called Ringo III, Arizona Colt is easy to enjoy, but – in my humble opinion - falls a bit short in being one of Gemma’s very best movies. The combination of quite extreme violence and silly humour often works confusing and I found Gemma a little irritating in some parts. He seems to be looking for new ways without giving up the old ones, so to speak. It was Lupo’s first spaghetti western, but he had previously made a parody with the couple Franchi and Ingrassia, Per un pugno nell’ Occhio (1965), so maybe he was responsible for those burlesque elements. In the more serious parts, it becomes clear that the first two dollar-movies are his model, with an occasional wink at Django as well (the wounded hands, the execution of the singing cowboys). The film’s running time seems longish, but it’s never dull or even sluggish. Good use has been made of the Almeria locations and the action scenes are very fine, with several interesting camera angles and keen editing. They work best as long as Lupo doesn’t try to copy Leone: the characteristic Gemma-Pazzafini fistfight is a standout, but the finale, very similar to the final shootout between No Name and Ramon in Fistful, can’t live up to the expectations. There’s an explosion that announces Gemma’s arrival in town, there’s the line-up of Sancho’s men and Gemma’s walk towards them, and there’s the sudden outburst of violence … but was is totally lacking is Leone’s style in the ritualistic built-up to the inevitable climax.

The actors mainly do what they were hired for: Sancho (looking like some oversized drummer boy!) gives his usual impersonation of a sadistic Mexican bandit and Camardiel plays his part so enthusiastically you’re tempted to believe that hangovers are synonymous to happiness (but I won’t try that trick with the two bottles at home). Originally intended as a coproduction with Spain, the Spanish connection withdrew when Lupo and Gemma refused to work with several Spanish crew members. A French production company was brought in, but now Lupo and Gemma were forced to accept French actress Marchand as Gemma’s love interest (Ida Galli/Evelyn Stewart was their original choice). Her part is very interesting: she sees through Gemma’s tricks, refuses to be his one night stand (after having agreed with it first) and starts to have feelings for him when it’s too late. Marchand, an actress favoured by François Truffaut and Agnes Varda, and known for her subdued acting style and ice-cold beauty, simply seems out of place in a western setting. Moreover she has been given a coiffure that’s not really flattering. De Masi’s moody score is very atmospheric and the song He came out of Nowhere, sung by Raoul, is as deliciously cheesy as they come in the genre. The only one way to get it out of your head is listening to another Raoul song.

Reviewed DVD: The Wild East disc most of use will have, is not great, but at least it’s uncut: even two scenes, originally cut to avoid an ’18 rating’ in Italy, have been restored (those scenes are: a) a freed prisoner who doesn’t want to join Sancho’s gang is shot in both hands and between the eyes, and b) a priest kills a bandit and asks God to forgive him). A new release (a double feature with Arizona Colt returns) was announced but apparently withdrawn again. Recently both a German and a French DVD have been released, but I haven’t watched them yet.

No, Ally from Wild East has confirmed that everything that was announced at the start of the year will indeed be released. Nothing has been cancelled. The Arizona Colt double feature along with a lot of the other titles that were announced simply are just coming later, hopefully this year. So no worry :slight_smile:

That’s good news.
The other good news is that this is one of those days that visitors get two for the price of one

At least I just read Phil’s review on Son of Django
(Prossimamente Qui, I presume)

I also heard something about WildEast’s re-release of the first Sartana movie with better picture quality and as a dobule bill with the other Sartana movie. Is that true?

Yes I have heard the rumour about them re-releasing the Sartana-movie but honestly don’t know if when and if it comes. It wasn’t on their original coming releases list so it probably won’t be anytime soon but you never know, Wild East has surprised before and suddenly out of the blue announced a new release that nobody had seen coming so we can only hope. If they do release it it will probably be a double feature a long the same lines as the coming Arizona Colt-double feature.

Le Nouveau PHIL est arrivé
(Like wine, he gets better with the years)

Don’t forget to compare our views:

And thanks for the avatar, my friend!

You’re welcome Duff :wink:

I’m with Brother stanton on this one - in fact I gave it only 2 stars.
I’d seen it before, must be when the WE dvd first came out, but after reading the good reports on this I wondered why I couldn’t remember it. reason was, imo it ain’t very good. I respect very much my friends positive reviews of this but I just didn’t get it.
Altho’ there was lots of violence and spaghetti-stuff, it didn’t mesh for me - the main problem being that I couldn’t understand anybody’s motivation for doing what they did. Nobody - Arizona Colt, Gordo, Whisky, Jane and the townsfolk - made any sense regarding their behaviour, and the whole thing lacked credibility. I am capable of suspending belief but maybe not this much.
I did however like the “cheesy” song and was particularly tickled by Jane’s modern bra straps that could be seen through her dress towards the end of the film.