Alright, Gianni Crea or Demofilo Fidani

I know I sound like a broken record here but let me fully explain my reasoning.

Of all the bad directors that made filmsn the genre, Mauri, Solvoy, etc. There out puts were either very small in amount, or even having some goods ones like Mauri. Gianni Crea and Demofilo Fidani apparently have never made a really “good” movie but they both have rather sizable outputs. Leaving a stamp on the genre. Both are called the worst. I want to see,f these two rather prolific directors is the worst.

Yay? Ney?

I still cannot agree with this. Fidani has made multiple good films in my view. And I’m not saying good as in bad, I’m saying I think they are good films. The fact they have low production value makes them even more impressive.

I currently have no opinion on Crea

Also, I do understand what you’re asking, but for me its not something I can provide any input on as I don’t consider Fidani to be a bad director, therefor making it a moot point. I understand that many other people call him one of, or the worst SW director, but that doesn’t really hold any meaning to me…

good enough.

I haven’t seen everything from Fidani and it’s true that there are some stinkers in his catalogue, however the worst spags i’ve seen are definitely not his.

My worst 2 SWs are still by Fidani.
But I have never seen one by Crea, and for the moment I’m not intending to change this.

Wise man.